Carmel Bicycle Accident Attorneys


Carmel Bicycle Accident Attorneys

Every year, bicycle accidents are a leading cause of injuries and death. If you’ve been involved in a bike accident and are facing mounting medical bills, you should not have to continue to suffer financially. If you believe that someone else’s negligence caused your accident, our personal injury firm is ready to represent you. Our attorneys have successfully represented clients in all types of cases, pursuing the maximum compensation available through both insurance claims and, when necessary, lawsuits. We handle the following types of cases, among others:

  • Impaired driving accidents: If a drunk driver hit you, our attorneys can help you pursue a claim for compensatory or even punitive damages.
  • Distracted driving accidents: If the motorist who hit you was texting or talking on the phone at the time, our attorneys will work to prove that the driver’s negligent driving caused your accident.
  • Accidents caused by hazardous conditions: Poor road conditions, defective auto or bicycle parts, and many other hazards can cause accidents. We will identify the responsible parties and bring a claim against them.

If you’ve been injured in a bicycle accident, contact us at 1-800-GO-HARRIS to learn how our legal team can help you pursue damages for your injuries.

Pursuing Compensation for Your Bicycle Accident

At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, our team of experienced, compassionate lawyers will assist you in seeking compensation for the physical, emotional, psychological, and financial damages stemming from your wreck. You can seek to recoup “compensatory damages” for the following types of losses:

  • Past, current and future medical expenses
  • Lost wages and reduced future earning potential due to lasting or permanent disfigurement
  • Physical pain and suffering
  • Emotional and psychological distress
  • Permanent disfigurement or disability
  • Reduced quality of life
  • Property damage

Minor vs. Catastrophic Injuries

The injuries stemming from bicycle accidents can range from minor to catastrophic. A minor injury is one that does not result in lasting or substantial damage like brain or spinal cord damage. A catastrophic injury is life-altering and warrants higher monetary recoveries. Because the stakes are higher in cases of catastrophic injuries, insurance adjusters will scrutinize your case and seek reasons to deny your claim. Additionally, because of the severity of the injuries and the seriousness of the claim, a catastrophic injury makes it less likely that you will receive a fair settlement amount. When this happens, we are equipped to take your case to court.

Bicycle Accidents Resulting in Wrongful Death

The loss of a loved one is particularly devastating when someone’s negligent or reckless conduct is to blame. Our attorneys represent the family members of accident victims and are ready to help you pursue compensation for your loss. At the same time, we understand that no amount of money can bring your loved one back, so we strive to treat our clients with compassion and care.

Experienced Personal Injury Lawyers

At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, we understand that your injury is life burdensome and we will fight for your right to maximum recovery for the suffering you’ve endured so that you can focus on moving forward. Call our 24-hour phone line at 1-800-GO-HARRIS or send us a message to schedule a complimentary case review.