Livingston Dog Bite Attorneys

Dogs offer affection, companionship, and protection. Unfortunately, negligence on the part of their owners can result in devastating dog bite injuries in Livingston. Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc. offers the trusted, local legal representation victims need to get compensation.  

Our Livingston dog bite attorneys take the legal actions required to protect your rights in a claim. Part of an award-winning law firm with offices throughout California, top case results show a proven ability to obtain millions in settlements and jury awards for our clients. We are here to help 24 hours a day, seven days a week. To request a free consultation, call 1-800-GO-HARRIS today.  

Our Livingston Dog Bite Attorneys Hold Dog Owners Accountable For You Injuries 

Many residents of our area have pets and the City of Livingston has strict laws on how they are managed and cared for. Dogs must be leashed or otherwise restrained and always kept under their owner's control. Allowing them to run wild or otherwise pose risks in neighborhoods, public parks, or when visiting local businesses increases the chances of devastating dog bite injuries. These often include:  

  • Deep puncture wounds that can cause damage to underlying nerves, muscles, or other small tissues; 
  • Severe cuts and scratches, which may become infected or cause permanent scarring; 
  • Sprained muscles, herniated discs, and other neck or back injuries caused while trying to fight off the dog; 
  • Crushing injuries, loss of limbs, and other disfigurement due to the force of an attack; 
  • Post-traumatic stress can negatively impact your life long after a dog bite in Livingston happens.  

Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc., represents victims who have suffered the above or other dog bite injuries. While you focus on your recovery, our Livingston dog bite attorneys concentrate on holding the dog owner accountable. We take the legal actions needed to protect your rights in a claim.  

How Do I File A Livingston Dog Bite Claim? 

The Merced County Sheriff's Office warns that dangerous dogs pose a serious public safety threat. Dog bites and attacks in Livingston often happen suddenly and without provocation. Even a seemingly docile breed can get aggressive in certain circumstances, such as when sick, scared, hungry, or protecting their owner or their young.  

Some states have a 'one bite rule,' which gives dog owners a free pass if there were no signs of aggression prior to an attack. This is not the case here. Under the California Civil Code, Livingston dog owners are liable for injuries others suffer, even if this was the first incident involving their dog. There are generally two options for filing a dog bite claim in Livingston:  

  • File a claim through the dog owner's property insurer: Property insurance generally covers dog bite injuries but is subject to policy limits.   
  • File a dog bite lawsuit against them: If the dog owner does not have property insurance or their coverage fails to reimburse all of your losses, you may be entitled to file a Livingston dog bite lawsuit against them.  

Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc. acts as a strong legal ally on your side, providing the trusted legal guidance you need in either situation. As experienced Livingston dog bite attorneys, we can advise you on the best course of action to get the maximum compensation.  

How Much Is My Livingston Dog Bite Claim Worth? 

Dog bites in Livingston can affect your physical and mental health for years after an attack. You have the right to hold the dog owner accountable. At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc., our award-winning legal team provides the caring support and professional legal service you need.  

Each case is different, and the amount you may be entitled to for dog bites in Livingston depends on the severity of your injuries and other factors. While insurance can cover some costs, filing a lawsuit against the owner through the Merced County Civil Court is often the best way to get the maximum compensation. This may include:  

  • Payment for all your current medical bills and any future care you are likely to require; 
  • Reimbursement for current lost wages and any future lost earnings due to long-term disabilities; 
  • Additional amounts for the pain, suffering, mental anguish, and lost enjoyment in life you experience, as well as to punish the dog owner for their negligence. 

Contact Our Livingston Dog Bite Attorneys At 1-800-GO-HARRIS To Request A Free Consultation 

Dog bites in Livingston can cause devastating injuries. Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc. holds negligent dog owners accountable and helps victims get the maximum amount they are entitled to in a claim.  

We typically work with clients on a contingency basis. You get the professional legal representation you need with no upfront costs or out-of-pocket attorney fees.  

Call 1-800-GO-HARRIS or contact our Livingston dog bite attorneys online today to request a free consultation.