Los Banos Bus Accident Attorneys

Bus accidents in Los Banos pose serious risks. Whether you are involved in an actual bus crash or an onboard incident, personal injuries can be severe. Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc. provides the seasoned legal counsel you need in the aftermath. We take the actions necessary to get you compensation for medical bills, lost earnings, and other expenses.   

While you focus on recovering from your injuries, our Los Banos bus accident attorneys protect your rights when filing a claim. Part of an award-winning law firm with offices throughout California, we have extensive experience dealing with bus companies and their insurers, with top case results totaling millions. We are available to help 24 hours a day, seven days a week, so call 1-800-GO-HARRIS and request a free consultation today.   

Our Los Banos Bus Accident Attorneys Protect Your Rights To Compensation 

Los Banos sits at the crossroads of East Pacheco Boulevard and Mercy Springs Road, just west of Interstate 5. To avoid the hassle of traffic and the high costs of maintaining a motor vehicle, many residents rely on local bus service.  

Operated through the Merced Regional Transit System, The Bus offers routes throughout Los Banos, while the Micro Bus provides customized, on-demand service for shorter trips. Greyhound and charter buses are also popular options and are easily accessible.   

Unfortunately, while taking the bus may be convenient, it can also pose risks. Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc. represents people injured due to bus accidents in Los Banos. We provide the experienced, professional legal counsel you need to protect your rights to compensation. Cases our Los Banos bus accident attorneys represent include:  

  • Los Banos bus crashes involving other motorists; 
  • Single-vehicle bus accidents, such as rollovers or collisions with guardrails; 
  • Passenger bus accidents, such as falls that occur while boarding and getting knocked down or thrown from your seat due to sudden stops and sharp turns; 
  • Bus stop accidents, impacting pedestrians and bicyclists in the area.  

How Do Los Banos Bus Accidents Happen?  

Most Los Banos residents remember the tragic charter bus accident in Merced in 2016. NBC News reported that of the 30 passengers on board, five were killed in the crash, while over a dozen others suffered life-threatening injuries. Investigators claim drowsy driving was a contributing factor in the crash.  

Drowsy driving is a common problem in the public transportation industry and can happen due to overscheduling. Other common causes of bus accidents in Los Banos include:  

  • Bus driver inexperience; 
  • Lack of proper training; 
  • Distracted driving; 
  • Speeding; 
  • Improper bus maintenance; 
  • Defective tires or other bus parts; 
  • Not following state or federal safety requirements.    

At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, you can trust our experienced Los Banos bus accident attorneys to investigate your case, determine the cause, and hold those at fault accountable in a claim.   

How Can I Get Compensation For Los Banos Bus Accident Injuries?  

If you are involved in a bus accident in Los Banos, report it to the police, make sure they file an accident report, and seek immediate medical attention for your injuries. In the days after, the bus company or its insurers may contact you. Before making any statements or answering questions, contact Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc. 

Bus companies have deep pockets and teams of attorneys to protect them against claims. To protect yourself and your rights to compensation, get our award-winning legal team on your side. Our Los Banos bus accident attorneys aggressively negotiate with insurers to get you the best possible settlement. If multiple parties are at fault or the insurer attempts to deny your claim, we can take your case to court.  

Compensation in a Los Banos bus accident claim varies based on the circumstances involved. Common types of compensation under the California Civil Code include:  

  • Economic damages, covering all property losses, current and future medical costs, and lost wages; 
  • Non-economic damages, which compensate for your pain, suffering, and any lost enjoyment in life your injuries cause; 
  • Exemplary damages, which serve to punish the bus driver, the bus company, or others involved for gross negligence.  

Bus accidents in Los Banos impact your health and financial security. We understand how difficult this is and typically handle cases on a contingency basis. You to get the seasoned, high-quality legal counsel you need to make the maximum recovery, with no upfront costs or out-of-pocket attorney fees.  

To Request A Free Consultation With Our Los Banos Bus Accident Attorneys, Call 1-800-GO-HARRIS Today 

Bus accidents in Los Banos happen in various ways and can cause potentially life-threatening personal injuries. Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc. provides the seasoned legal counsel you need to make the maximum recovery in your claim. For a free consultation, call 1-800-GO-HARRIS or contact our Los Banos bus accident attorneys online today.