Oxnard Dog Bite Lawyers

In less than a minute, you can go from a dog lover to developing a phobia of dogs. All it takes is for you to be the victim of an animal attack or to watch a loved one be bitten by an aggressive dog. When you or a loved one are suffering from dog bites and other wounds, we recommend you contact an experienced Oxnard dog bite attorney from Harris Personal Injury Lawyers. We understand how intimidating these attacks can be. You deserve to have compassionate and pursuance attorneys fight for compensation for your physical and emotional injuries. Our Oxnard dog bite lawyers are highly experienced in holding dog owners and handlers responsible for their animal’s actions. We fight hard for you to receive the best financial recovery possible, whether through an insurance settlement or court ruling. If you are wondering whether we are the right firm for you, consider our track record of success. We have won more than $300 million in settlements and court verdicts for over 5,000 clients. To talk with us about your options after a dog attack in Oxnard, call us at 1-800-GO-HARRIS. We offer free, no-risk consultations.

Our Oxnard Dog Bite Lawyers Will Thoroughly Investigate the Dog Responsible for Your Injuries

When you call us about a dog attack, we get started right away. We work with you to identify the dog, its owner, who was in charge of the dog at the time of the attack, and the dog’s history. All of these factors can determine who we pursue compensation from and how we establish they are liable for your injuries.

What to do After a Dog Attack:

If you or a loved one were attacked by a dog, we recommend that you:

  • Take pictures of the dog, if possible.
  • Take pictures of your injuries—and keep taking pictures of your injuries over the hours and days as they change.
  • Get property medical care.
  • Try to find the dog’s owner.
  • Report the attack to your local police or animal control agency.
  • Call an Oxnard dog bite lawyer for advice.

We Will Hold the Dog Owner Responsible

Under California law, dog owners are strictly liable for their animal’s actions. In other words, you do not have to prove that an owner was negligent. They are automatically responsible for any harm their dog causes. You will need to show you were either on public property or were lawfully on private property. If you were trespassing at the time of the attack, your claim for compensation may be more difficult to establish. You also may need to show you did not antagonize the dog. If there is any evidence that you were taunting the animal, this could weaken your claim. It does not matter if the dog bit someone before. There is no “one bite rule.” The owner may have had no idea that the dog had dangerous or vicious propensities. It does not matter. You should talk with our experienced dog bite lawyers in Oxnard about pursuing a claim for compensation against a dangerous dog’s owner. We will help you prove:

  • The other party was the dog’s owner at the time of the attack
  • The attack occurred in a place where you could lawfully be;
  • The attack resulted in you suffering physical injuries.

Other Parties May be Liable for Your Injuries

After suffering dog bite injuries, it is important not to assume you can hold the owner liable or that they are the only party who may be responsible for compensating you. In some circumstances, the responsible party is a caretaker or handler of the dog who is not the owner. You may be able to prove that the caretaker or handler was negligent at the time of the accident. For example, a dog boarding business may have failed to secure the dog in the kennel, a fenced area, or by a leash. Or, a dog walker may have let the dog off-leash in an inappropriate area. Another potentially liable party is a landlord or other property owner. Property owners owe their personal and business guests a duty of care. If there is a dog on the premises, then the owner may be responsible for ensuring that a dog is not a hazard to guests or customers. Failing to appropriately confine or control the dog could make the property owner liable for your injuries. To identify the liable party or parties, talk with an Oxnard dog bite lawyer today.

We Will Fight for Your Dog Bite Compensation

Through an insurance claim or personal injury lawsuit, we will fight for you to receive the maximum compensation possible for your:

  • Current, past, and future medical bills
  • Lost wages
  • Reduced earning capacity
  • Other injury-related expenses
  • Emotional distress
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of normal life
  • Disfigurement and/or disability

Call Harris Personal Injury Lawyers in Oxnard for Guidance Today

After a dog bite that leaves you or a relative injured, you can and should hold the dog’s owner or handler responsible. Call Harris Personal Injury Lawyers at 1-800-GO-HARRIS to discuss how. We offer free consultations every single day.