Santa Ynez Brain Injury Attorneys

Any type of bump, blow, or sudden jolt to the head can result in brain injuries. They are one of the most serious and potentially life-threatening types of personal injuries and can cause long-term disabilities. When they occur due to accidents in which negligence on the part of others is to blame, you can count on Harris Personal Injury Lawyers to provide the professional legal representation you need.

Our experienced Santa Ynez brain injury attorneys help you get the compensation you are entitled to in a claim. Top case results show our ability to obtain millions of dollars in jury awards and settlements for our clients. To get the maximum amount you need to recover, call 1-800-GO-HARRIS and request a consultation today.  

Our Santa Ynez Brain Injury Attorneys Protect Victims And Their Families

Traumatic brain injuries, or TBI, are one of the most common types of personal injuries. Unfortunately, they are also among the most severe. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), they send millions of people throughout the U.S. to hospital emergency rooms each year while claiming the lives of close to 65,000 victims. They can occur due to any type of bump, blow, or violent jolting of the head, typically due to accidents in which others involved are to blame.  

At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, our Santa Ynez brain injury attorneys protect the rights of victims and their families in these cases, providing the trusted legal guidance they need in filing a claim. TBI can cause physical, cognitive, and emotional symptoms that linger for long months after an accident and may result in permanent disabilities. These include: 

  • Vision and hearing impairments; 
  • Problems with certain movements and lack of coordination; 
  • Short or long-term memory loss; 
  • Inability to communicate thoughts or understand what is being said; 
  • Chronic headaches;
  • Sleep disorders;
  • Mental health disorders, such as anxiety or depression;
  • Personality changes, such as increased isolation and flying into fits of rage.

Suffering any type of brain injury increases the odds that any future bumps or blows to the head could prove fatal. TBI in Santa Ynez can be devastating at any age, but it is particularly harmful for children, who may suffer significant learning disabilities.  

How Do Brain Injuries In Santa Ynez Happen? 

Any type of head injury can disrupt neural pathways in the brain, resulting in TBI. Accidents are one of the leading causes of brain injuries in Santa Ynez. According to the California Department of Public Health (CDPH), these send more than 2,000 Santa Barbara County residents to hospital emergency rooms each year. They typically happen due to the following: 

  • Car accidents: Reckless driving behavior, such as speeding, running red lights, and driving under the influence, puts drivers, passengers, motorcyclists, bicyclists, and pedestrians at risk.  
  • Slips and falls: Wet floors, uneven walkways, lack of guardrails at height or on stairs, and other dangerous conditions can cause slip and fall accidents in Santa Ynez. These can occur in public places or on someone’s property.   
  • Sports and recreational injuries: These often occur due lack of safety equipment, improper training, or failure to take other precautions.  
  • Dangerous and defective products: Traumatic brain injuries can occur due to negligence on the part of manufacturers or distributors.

How Can I Get Compensation For Brain Injuries In Santa Ynez?

Under Section 1714 of the California Civil Code, everyone is responsible for actions or inactions on their part that cause personal injuries to others. When you suffer brain injuries in an ‘accident’, Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc. determines exactly how and why it happened and who can be held accountable in a claim.

If the at fault party has insurance in place, you may be entitled to a settlement. Our Santa Ynez brain injury attorneys to negotiate with insurance on your behalf so you get the maximum amount you deserve. If the at-fault party is uninsured or their policy fails to cover your costs, our team of seasoned litigators can guide you in taking them to court. Compensation you may be entitled to in a Santa Ynez brain injury lawsuit includes:

  • Payment of all current medical expenses; 
  • Additional amounts for any future medical care and treatment you may require; 
  • Reimbursement for lost wages; 
  • Coverage of future losses in income due to long-term disabilities;
  • Compensation for your pain, suffering, lost enjoyment in life, and other losses you are likely to endure.  

Contact Our Santa Ynez Brain Injury Attorneys And Request A Free Consultation

When brain injuries  threaten the current health and future well-being of you or a loved one, Harris Personal Injury Lawyers help you get the compensation you deserve. As we typically handle cases on a contingency basis, there are no up-front costs. Call 1-800-GO-HARRIS or contact our Santa Ynez brain injury attorneys online and request a free consultation to discuss your options today.