Arcadia Dog Bite Attorneys

Arcadia Dog Bite Attorneys

When a dog attacks, the consequences can be devastating. These animals’ sharp teeth can rip through skin and muscles causing serious damage and long-term complications. If you were attacked by a dog and believe the owner was negligent, you might be able to file a personal injury lawsuit to recover compensation for your damages. At HPIL, our Arcadia dog bite attorneys can assist with all aspects of your claim, from gathering evidence and consulting with expert witnesses to negotiating a fair settlement for what you’ve lost. We have a track record of success, helping many of our clients secure six- and seven-figure financial awards. To find out more, dial 1-800-GO-HARRIS.

What Should I Do After Suffering a Dog Bite?

Dog attacks rarely occur, so most of us aren’t prepared for what to do in the event of a worst-case scenario. However, taking the right actions immediately after a bite could not only be critical to your health and well-being, but might also help you build a convincing claim against the liable parties. Let’s explore a few important steps you should take after an animal attack:

  • Seek Medical Treatment: Puncture wounds left by a dog bite can become infected leading to serious complications if left untreated. A vicious attack could also cause permanent scarring, damage to your muscles and tendons, or excessive bleeding that may be fatal. As such, you should always visit the doctor after suffering a dog bite. This will ensure that you receive immediate treatment and avoid potential health complications down the line. Your healthcare provider will also create medical records documenting details about your injury. Medical records may play a crucial role in proving economic damages such as your healthcare costs and lost wages, and non-economic damages such as loss of enjoyment, emotional distress, and pain.
  • Note Down the Contact Details of Eyewitnesses: If anyone else saw the attack take place, you should take down their contact details to share with your dog bite attorney. Your lawyer may want to interview eyewitnesses to determine whether their deposition could help corroborate other evidence in your case.
  • Exchange Information with the Dog Owner: After a car accident, it’s common practice to swap contact details and insurance information with the other motorist. The same applies to a dog bite incident. This will make it simpler for your attorney to contact the dog’s owner after the attack.
  • Contact Animal Control: Reporting the incident to your local animal control agency will not just help prevent future dog bites but may also prompt the agency to investigate the attack. Their findings could help you build your case against the negligent dog owner.

What Damages Might Be Available in My Dog Bite Case?

There are two distinct categories of damages available in California dog bite lawsuits: compensatory and punitive. Compensatory damages exist to reimburse the victim for both past and future economic and non-economic losses stemming from the attack. Punitive damages may be awarded to punish the defendant if they acted with malice, oppression, or fraud. Here are a few types of compensatory damages that may be available if you suffered a dog bite:

  • Lost Income: A dog bite can sideline you from work, leaving you unable to earn a living for weeks after the accident. Fortunately, lost income is one of many types of damages you can pursue as part of a personal injury claim. The value of such damages will depend on a variety of factors such as your income before the dog bite, how long you were unable to work, and whether your injuries will prevent you from working in the future.
  • Diminished Earning Potential: Catastrophic injuries and permanent disabilities can prevent you from returning to the same profession, plunging you and your family into financial uncertainty. At HPIL, our dog bite attorneys can consult with vocational and financial expert witnesses to ensure that your claim includes the compensation you will need to cover your lost income earning capacity.
  • Medical Treatment: Not only can your claim include healthcare expenses you’ve incurred thus far, but it can also account for medical treatment that you—as a result of your injury—are likely to require in the future. To obtain a financial award for your medical bills, your dog bite attorney may rely on a wide range of evidence, from your receipts and invoices for medical care to X-rays and photos of your injuries.
  • Other Injury-Related Expenses: It’s not uncommon for claimants to develop tunnel vision during the claims process, focusing on only their medical expenses, lost income, and property damage. However, a dog bite can lead to a variety of unexpected costs, such as nursing care, home modifications, and childcare services.
  • Loss of Enjoyment: If you are unable to engage in activities that you enjoyed before the attack—such as social events, hobbies, and spending quality time with your family—you might be able to seek compensation for loss of enjoyment of life.
  • Emotional Distress: If you experienced horror, grief, fright, shock, anxiety, humiliation, anguish, worry, or shame as a result of the animal attack, you might be entitled to compensation for emotional distress.
  • Pain and Suffering: These damages include subjective losses stemming from your injuries, such as scarring, insomnia, pain, inconvenience, suffering, and loss of a limb or organ.

Contact Us Today to Speak to an Arcadia Dog Bite Attorney

If a dog bite has forced you to put your life on hold, you know that man’s best friend can often be someone’s worst nightmare. Whether you’re filing a claim or preparing a lawsuit, we know what it takes to succeed at all stages of proceedings. Call 1-800-GO-HARRIS or click through to our online contact page HERE to secure your free initial consultation.