Arcadia Bus Accident Attorneys

Arcadia Bus Accident Attorneys

Whether a commute into town or a long-distance trek to the next city, taking the bus is an affordable alternative to getting behind the wheel. In California, there are more than 100,000 registered buses, so it’s no wonder that accidents involving these vehicles happen regularly. Victims of these wrecks often suffer catastrophic injuries and incur thousands of dollars in medical debt. If you were injured on the road, our Arcadia bus accident attorneys may be able to help you recover compensation. At HPIL, your initial consultation is free, and you won’t owe us attorneys’ fees unless we win your case. To get started, contact us on our 24/7 phone line at 1-800-GO-HARRIS.

How Long Will My Bus Accident Claim Take?

If your accident-related costs are adding up, you’re likely eager to get your hands on a settlement. However, it’s impossible to predict how your case will unfold as there are many factors that might fast-track—or prolong—proceedings. While our goal is to settle your case without going to trial, there are some situations where filing a lawsuit might be the best decision for you and your family. Let’s look at a few factors that might affect the timeline of your case:

  • Whether You’ve Made Any Mistakes: Did you provide a recorded statement to the insurer? Did you post about the accident online? Did you deviate from your treatment plan? Every action you take after the accident has the potential to weaken or strengthen your claim. For instance, if you made statements to the insurance company, your comments could be taken out of context to dispute liability and damages. Alternatively, if you ignored your doctor’s orders, opposing parties may assert that you failed in your duty to mitigate damages and are thus liable for some of—or all—your expenses.
  • Whether There are Multiple Liable Parties: In a bus accident case, liability is often shared by multiple parties. For instance, the driver, his employer, and their respective insurers, may all share liability for the damages you suffered. In some cases, you may also be held partially responsible for some of your losses. With multiple parties involved, there’s always the chance that an individual or entity will dispute how liability is apportioned, which can lead to delays. Our Arcadia bus accident attorneys can help mitigate such disputes by collecting and compiling all available evidence of liability and estimating each party’s percentage of fault based on the facts of the case, relevant case laws, and statutes.
  • The Time it Takes for You to Reach MMI: If you suffered a catastrophic injury, it could take months or even years for you to achieve maximum medical improvement (MMI). This is the point in your recovery where your condition is no longer expected to improve with further treatment. Your Arcadia bus accident attorney may advise you to avoid initiating settlement negotiations until this date. This will ensure that your legal team has an accurate idea of your total damages. If you rush into negotiations, it’s possible that your losses may turn out to be more expensive than you anticipated, leaving you and your family with a settlement that doesn’t cover your full range of accident-related expenses.
  • The Sum You Are Seeking: Typically, the less compensation you are pursuing, the less incentivized the insurer is to commit resources and time towards challenging your case. As such, if you are seeking a considerable settlement, the insurance company may dig deep to unearth any evidence that could be used to deny or reduce your bus accident claim. They may put your medical records under the microscope to find evidence of a pre-existing condition, you may be placed under surveillance, or your social media profiles might be monitored. These are just a few of the tactics an insurance adjuster may use to challenge your case.

What Damages Might Be Recoverable in an Arcadia Bus Accident Claim?

Even if you have strong evidence at your disposal to prove who was responsible for causing the accident, you won’t be able to recover compensation unless you can demonstrate the damages you incurred and prove their value. In California, bus accident victims may be able to seek compensation for the following losses:

  • Lost Earnings: If you’ve been sidelined from work, you know that this can be one of the most stressful aspects of suffering a serious injury. This definitely applies in a situation where others depend on you financially. Our Arcadia bus accident attorneys can help review your situation, consult with financial and vocational experts if necessary, and compile the available evidence to estimate the value of lost wages, and help you seek compensation for such damages.
  • Diminished Earning Capacity: If you suffered a disability or permanent injury, there’s a chance you may not be able to return to the same field you were working in prior to the accident. In an instant, you might have been cut off from a lifetime of earnings and benefits. Fortunately, these losses may be recoverable as part of your claim. However, approximating the value of such damages can be incredibly complicated. Our legal team may need to consult with economists and vocational experts who can help map out your expected career trajectory, assist with calculations, and to provide deposition and testimony.
  • Medical Bills: From ambulance fees to X-rays to prescription medication, many of your medical expenses may be recoverable. Essentially, your claim can account for any necessary and reasonable medical expenses you incurred as a result of the accident, and medical costs—that due your injuries—you’re likely to incur in the future.
  • Property Damage: If your car was hit by a bus, the liable party’s insurer might have to cover the cost of replacing or repairing your vehicle.
  • Loss of Enjoyment: Some serious injuries can affect your ability to enjoy your favorite past times, social activities, or just quality time with the family. Your injuries may also lead to feelings of humiliation or inadequacy. These damages fall under the category of “hedonic damages” which are often referred to as loss of life enjoyment.
  • Pain and Suffering: While pain is a subjective experience, it can have a significant impact on your quality of life. As such, non-economic damages such as pain and suffering will often—based on the severity of your injuries—account for a significant percentage of the potential recovery in a bus accident case. Our lawyers can review your claim, help compile the necessary evidence, and estimate fair compensation for the pain and suffering you’ve endured since the collision.

Speak to an Arcadia Bus Accident Attorney Today

If you suffered a serious injury in a bus accident—either as a passenger, pedestrian, or another motorist—our attorneys can help you prepare your personal injury claim for settlement negotiations or litigation. Dial 1-800-GO-HARRIS or switch over to our online contact form HERE to lock in your free case review.