Calabasas Dog Bite Attorneys

Calabasas Dog Bite Attorneys

Calabasas has a reputation for being dog-friendly and there are plenty of public places that welcome dogs on the premises. However, it is up to dog owners to keep their pets under control at all times both when visiting local businesses and in their own neighborhoods. If they fail to do so, innocent bystanders can end up suffering serious dog bite injuries as a result. When this happens, Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc. helps you hold the dog’s owner accountable. As experienced Calabasas dog bite attorneys, we provide the trusted legal guidance and professional representation you need in filing a claim. Our top case results show settlements and jury awards worth millions of dollars in dog bite cases. To find out how we can help you get the compensation you need to recover, contact 1-800-GO-HARRIS and request a free consultation today.

Our Calabasas Dog Bite Attorneys Help You Get Compensation For Your Injuries

Local ordinances require pet owners in Calabasas to keep animals restrained at all times. When they fail to do so, serious personal injuries can occur as a result. According to the Department of Public Health, more than 20,000 people are bitten by dogs throughout Los Angeles County each year. With the overall number of dogs and dog-friendly places in our area, local residents are at an increased risk. When these types of injuries impact you or someone you love, Harris Personal Injury Lawyers provides the trusted legal representation you need. Our Calabasas dog bite attorneys help victims hold dog owners accountable in the following situations:

  • When dogs are allowed to run unleashed near your home, in your apartment complex, or at other places in your neighborhood;
  • When dog owners fail to properly secure dog runs, leads, or fencing on their property, allowing the dog to escape;
  • When dogs are not kept under the owner’s control at parks, stores, or other public places;
  • When owners fail to posts signs warning visitors to their property that a dog is on the premises.

Common Types of Injuries In Dog Bite Cases

Dog owners typically view their pets as a part of their family but ignoring the fact that they are animals is dangerous and can put others at risk. Even the most mild-mannered dog can bite or attack when scared, hurt, or hungry. Injuries victims suffer as a result can have long term impacts both on their physical health and their emotional well-being. At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, we help you get the compensation you need to recover from dog bites and attacks. Injuries suffered by clients in cases our dog bite attorneys represent include:

  • Puncture wounds caused by the dog’s teeth;
  • Severe cuts caused by sharp claws;
  • Soft tissue injuries caused by overexertion in fighting off an attack;
  • Loss of limbs or other body parts doe to dog bites and tearing;
  • Diseases that may be passed through the dog’s saliva, such as rabies, tetanus, and other types of infections.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warns that dog bite victims may experience symptoms of post-traumatic stress in the weeks or months after as well. These symptoms include trouble sleeping, flashbacks in which you actually relive the attack, and feelings of extreme anxiety, panic, or fear anytime a dog is near.

Can I Sue The Dog’s Owner?

When a dog bites or attacks, the owner can be held legally liable for injuries you suffer, regardless of whether the dog previously exhibited any signs of aggression in the past. Under Section 3342 of the California Civil Code, all pet owners are responsible for keeping their dog leashed, fenced-in, or otherwise restrained at all times and for warning friends, guests, or other visitors to their property that a potentially dangerous dog is on the premises. As experienced Calabasas dog bite attorneys, our legal team is dedicated to getting you the compensation you are entitled to. Depending on the situation, Harris Personal Injury Lawyers may be able to assist you in filing a claim against the dog owner’s property insurance. If an appropriate settlement cannot be reached or insurance is not available, we can guide you in filing a lawsuit against the dog owner. Compensation you may be entitled to includes:

  • Economic damages, which cover your current and future medical expenses and any lost wages you incur;
  • Non-economic damages, which cover the pain and suffering you experienced as a result of the attack or your dog bite injuries;
  • Punitive damages, which is an additional amount meant to punish dog owners for conduct that was particularly willful and negligent.

To Request A Consultation, Call 1-800-GO-HARRIS Today

At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, LLC., we act as a strong legal ally on your side so you can get the maximum amount you need to recover in your dog bite injury claim. To discuss how we can help in your case, call 1-800-GO-HARRIS or contact our Calabasas dog bite attorneys online and request a free consultation today.