Carson Bicycle Accident Attorneys

Swapping your gas-guzzling sedan for something with pedal power can help you minimize your carbon footprint, skip traffic, and ramp up your fitness. However, California can be a dangerous place for cyclists, with errant, reckless, or distracted drivers at almost every turn. If you were hurt in a collision involving a motorist, our Carson bicycle accident attorneys may be able to help.  

We have decades of combined experience representing injured cyclists throughout the state, and we know what it takes to succeed in even the most complex cases. To get started, dial 1-800-GO-HARRIS today.  

What Should I Bring to My Free Case Review? 

If you’re meeting up with an attorney to discuss your case, you may be wondering how to prepare for your initial consultation so that you get the most out of this opportunity. Let’s take a look at a few items you might want to bring along: 

  • Medical Documents: After a serious accident, you should always visit the doctor as soon as possible—even if your injuries don’t seem serious. Your healthcare provider will typically create medical records documenting your injuries, recommended treatments, and other information important to your recovery. Not only can these documents help prove a wide range of losses such as lost earnings, medical bills, and pain and suffering, but they could also help connect your injuries to the wreck. If you have not yet obtained copies of these documents, your attorney can do so on your behalf.  
  • Personal Injury Journal: A serious injury can affect you in a number of ways; many victims are unable to work, enjoy their hobbies, or tackle everyday tasks without assistance. A personal injury journal is your space to record how your injuries limit you, keep track of your pain levels, and describe the other challenges you are facing due to your condition. Your attorney may rely on your entries to help prove non-economic damages such as emotional distress, pain and suffering, and loss of enjoyment in life.   
  • Written Account of the Accident: While you might think this fateful day will be burnt into your mind forever, memories have a habit of fading over time. As such, you should take time immediately after the accident to write down what you can remember. For instance, if you noticed surveillance cameras nearby or spoke to someone who saw the accident take place, these details could help guide your attorney’s investigation. 
  • Financial Documents: To obtain a financial award in a personal injury case, you will need to provide proof of the damages you incurred. As such, you should track your damages carefully, gathering and compiling the relevant receipts, estimates, invoices, and bills to share with your attorney during the initial consultation. 

How Can I Avoid Disputes over Failure to Mitigate Damages? 

As the plaintiff in a personal injury case, you have a strict duty to take sufficient steps to mitigate damages. While another party may have caused your injuries, you have a responsibility to minimize your losses. As such, if you do anything that stalls your recovery or causes your condition to worsen, you may face disputes over failure to mitigate damages. 

Let’s take a look at a few ways you can avoid such disputes during proceedings: 

  • Deactivate Your Social Media Accounts: From reviews to pictures to check ins, claims adjusters are adept at leveraging social media posts to their advantage. For instance, a picture of you at the park could be used as evidence to argue that you ignored your doctor’s orders to abstain from physical activity. Alternatively, a “check in” at the gym could help fuel similar challenges from opposing parties. Fortunately, there is a quick fix that can help protect you against such defenses: For the duration of proceedings, you should deactivate your accounts. Not only will this help you resist the temptation to publish posts, but it will also prevent the claims adjuster from monitoring your online activity. 
  • Follow Your Doctor’s Orders: Whether your healthcare provider has asked you to perform daily stretches, take prescribed medication, or avoid physical activity, you should always stick to your treatment plan. Any deviations from their instructions could result in failure to mitigate damages disputes.  
  • Be Patient with Your Recovery: It can be incredibly frustrating to sit at home just to watch weeks of wages disappear into thin air. While it may be tempting to go against your doctor’s orders so you can start earning a living again, this decision could cost you far more in the long run. If the insurer discovers that you deviated from your treatment plan, you will face disputes. 

Discuss Your Claim with a Bicycle Accident Attorney in Carson 

Were you injured while out riding? You may be able to recover compensation for your injuries and other damages by filing a personal injury claim against the at-fault motorist. Reach out to us today at 1-800-GO-HARRIS or send us a message via our Contact Page to lock in a free case assessment.