Carson Brain Injury Attorneys

A traumatic brain injury can lead to permanent disability and other life-altering complications. Many victims require long-term care, the cost of which is enough to put most American families in a precarious financial position. If you were hurt in an accident, turn to our Arcadia brain injury attorneys to discuss your options. 

At HPIL, we’ve helped our clients secure more than $300 million settlements and verdicts. While our top priority is to help you win your case, we will also focus on making sure that proceedings are as simple and stress-free as possible for you and your family. Reach out to us at 1-800-GO-HARRIS to schedule a free case review. 

How Much Is My Brain Injury Case Worth? 

If you suffered a traumatic brain injury in an accident, it’s likely that you have incurred significant medical expenses. To make matters worse, many victims require long-term care, turning an already immense financial burden into an insurmountable mountain of debt.   

Fortunately, you may be able to recover compensation for your medical expenses, lost earnings, and other losses by filing a personal injury claim. Let’s take a look at a few factors that could affect the value of your case:  

  • The Extent of Your Injuries: Brain injuries are not only expensive to treat but can also lead to long-term health complications that can affect your ability to live independently. As such, it’s likely you would be entitled to more compensation than someone who suffered a relatively minor injury such as a broken bone. Your claim can account for a variety of costs, such as doctor’s visits, hospital bills, emergency care, prescription medication, rehabilitation, and any other reasonable and necessary care related to your condition. 
  • Your Income Prior to the Accident: If you missed workdays due to your injuries, you may be able to seek compensation for lost wages. The value of such damages will depend on a variety of factors such as how much you were earning before the incident, the number of days you were unable to work, and whether you will be able to return to work in the future. 
  • Your Own Degree of Liability: Were you partially responsible for causing the accident? Did your actions after the accident contribute to your losses in any way? In such situations, you may be held liable for your losses. At HPIL, our attorneys may be able to develop strategies to help you minimize the percentage of fault assigned to you. 
  • Your Pain Levels: A serious injury isn’t just an immense financial burden; it can also affect your emotional well-being. Even minor injuries can lead to considerable pain and suffering, making it difficult for the victim to return to their normal routines. In California, you are entitled to seek compensation for the non-economic damages resulting from an accident. Such losses can include pain and suffering, emotional distress, loss of consortium, and loss of enjoyment of life. 

How Can the Attorneys at HPIL Assist with My TBI Case? 

In California, there are an abundance of law firms eager to take on new personal injury cases. However, not all lawyers are made equal, and there can be a drastic difference in the quality of representation two attorneys provide.  

With your financial future at stake, it’s in your best interests to make sure that you hire a legal team with the experience, knowledge, and resources to provide competent and compassionate representation. At HPIL, our Carson brain injury attorneys have decades of collective experience representing injury victims throughout the state. 

Here are a few ways we can assist with your claim: 

  • Investigate the Accident and Collect Evidence: A convincing claim is almost always built on a foundation of strong evidence. Our attorneys can help investigate what happened, gathering the necessary evidence to prove liability, causation, and damages. Such evidence can include photographs from the scene, surveillance camera footage, electronic data, accident reports, and eyewitness statements. 
  • Estimate the Value of Your Damages: Before initiating settlement negotiations, it’s important to know what your losses might be worth. Without a figure in mind, you risk being lured into accepting a low-ball settlement offer that does not cover all your recoverable damages. Our attorneys can work with your healthcare providers, assess the available evidence, and consult with expert witnesses if necessary to help approximate fair compensation for your losses.  
  • Oversee Settlement Negotiations: Once the insurer approves your claim, they will usually make a settlement offer. However, the claims adjuster’s first offer is rarely—if ever—fair. We can assess the insurance company’s offer and deny or counter it if we believe you deserve more. Ultimately, our priority is to help ensure you receive the maximum amount of compensation possible given your circumstances. 

Discuss Your Case with a Brain Injury Attorney in Carson 

If you suffered a traumatic brain injury in an accident, reach out to the legal team at HPIL. We can oversee the logistics of your case so that you have time to focus on taking care of yourself and your family. Dial 1-800-GO-HARRIS or click through our contact form HERE to request a free case assessment.