Fresno Pedestrian Accident Attorneys

Fresno Pedestrian Accident Attorneys

If you need legal advice after suffering an injury or losing a loved one in a pedestrian accident, turn to Harris Personal Injury Lawyers. We understand the serious consequences that follow such a devastating event, and we can take the stress off your shoulders so you can focus on your health and your family. Our pedestrian accident attorneys in Fresno have a track record of success in settlement negotiations and at trial, with numerous six- and seven-figure settlements and verdicts won for clients. We won't charge anything to review your case, and we work on a contingency basis, meaning you won't have to pay our fees unless we win. Call 1-800-GO-HARRIS to set up a free, confidential case assessment.

What If I Wait Too Long to Start the Claims Process?

When a pedestrian gets hit by a motor vehicle, they often need emergency medical care. Broken bones, traumatic brain injury, and spinal cord damage can all happen in such a collision, and getting prompt medical assistance could be the difference between life and death. Unfortunately, when the victim is unable to document the scene, valuable evidence may disappear within just a few days of the crash. For this reason, it is essential that you contact a Fresno pedestrian accident lawyer to start the investigation right away—and that’s true even if you were able to document the scene. Our attorneys are well aware that performing an immediate investigation is a key component of building a strong claim. After reviewing the facts of your case and any evidence you have gathered, we will launch an investigation that may involve visiting the scene; filing subpoenas to obtain surveillance footage, the driver’s cellphone records, and other evidence; and consulting various experts such as accident reconstruction specialists. Even if we expect a settlement to be reached, we will approach your claim as if we are going to trial, meaning we will do everything in our power to build the strongest case possible before we enter settlement negotiations. Besides gathering evidence, there’s another reason to take legal action right away; strict deadlines apply to personal injury and wrongful death lawsuits in California. These deadlines are called “statutes of limitations.” If you let too much time pass, you might lose the opportunity to file suit, in which case you may not be able to recover any compensation at all from the liable party. The specific deadline that pertains to your case depends on a number of factors. In some circumstances—for example, if you name a government entity in your claim—you just have a few months to initiate the proceedings. The smartest approach is to speak with an attorney right away so time-sensitive evidence can be gathered and so you don’t lose your right to sue.

What Kinds of Mistakes Might Harm My Pedestrian Accident Case?

Waiting too long to take action is just one of many mistakes that could derail your claim. Our Fresno pedestrian accident lawyers can help you understand the errors and oversights you must avoid throughout the proceedings in order to protect your case. Just one mistake could lead to a dispute that draws out the proceedings or reduces your potential recovery. Read on to learn about a few errors that have the potential to harm your case:

  • Publishing Social Media Posts About the Accident: Chances are you use at least one social media platform. You probably also have friends and family who check your statuses regularly. You may be tempted, then, to publish something about your case—photos of your injuries, a picture of you in the hospital, or perhaps just a written description of what happened. Although such posts might reassure those closest to you that you’re okay, they may also hurt your claim if the insurance adjuster sees them. The chances of this happening may be higher than you think. Insurance companies have successfully used social media posts to reduce their liability or deny claims outright. To avoid complications, try to stay off social media entirely until your case is resolved.
  • Giving a Recorded Statement to the Insurer: Do not provide any statements to the insurance company. Instead, politely tell the claims adjuster to contact your pedestrian accident attorney in Fresno.
  • Overlooking the Instructions of Your Medical Provider: It can be tempting to return to physical activity or work before your doctor says it’s okay to do so; however, this might hurt your chances of recovering compensation for 100 percent of your damages. To protect your case, make a concerted effort to facilitate your recovery by following your medical team’s guidance.

Discuss Your Claim with a Pedestrian Accident Lawyer in Fresno

There’s no way to undo what has happened to you and your family, but our lawyers may be able to help you recover the funds needed to regain your financial footing. To set up a free consultation, send us a message or call 1-800-GO-HARRIS.