Manhattan Beach Dog Bite Attorneys

Dog bites in Manhattan Beach are an unfortunately common problem. They can leave victims suffering serious personal injuries that impact them for years into the future. Negligence on the part of the dog owner is often to blame. At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc., we help you hold them accountable.    

Available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, you can count on our Manhattan Beach dog bite attorneys to provide the professional legal representation you need in filing a claim. With decades’ worth of combined experience on our side, our top case results show settlements and jury awards worth millions of dollars. Let us help you get the compensation you need to recover from dog bites. Call 1-800-GO-HARRIS and request a free consultation today. 

Cases Our Manhattan Beach Dog Bite Attorneys Represent 

Dogs provide companionship and protection for their owners, but they also come with a high level of responsibility. In addition to adequately caring for their pet, owners are required to follow local laws when it comes to keeping them properly restrained. The City of Manhattan Beach requires that dog leashes be used in public places and that owners keep their pets secured on their property. When they fail to do so, serious personal injuries can happen as a result.  

At Harris Personal injury Lawyers, our Manhattan dog bite attorneys protect the rights of victims in these cases. We hold dog owners accountable for the damages you suffer when dog bites occur as a result of the following:   

  • Failing to keep dogs on a leash at the beach and in public parks, stores, restaurants, or other places; 
  • Allowing them to run loose in neighborhoods or apartment complexes; 
  • Failing to keep them under control when invited guests are over; 
  • Not warning visitors to their home that a potentially dangerous dog is on the premises.  

What Are Common Dog Bite Injuries?  

According to the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), roughly 4.5 million people are bitten by dogs each year in the U.S. Sadly, more than half of all victims are children. Even if you are dealing with a small breed, dog bite injuries have the potential to be severe. Among the most common include:  

  • Deep cuts and lacerations, due to the dog’s sharp claws, which can result in scarring and infections; 
  • Puncture wounds, in which the dog’s teeth can penetrate muscles, tendons, and other soft tissues; 
  • Tearing injuries, in which the force of an attack can result in loss of body parts; 
  • Crushing injuries, in which the strength of the dog’s jaws causes permanent damage to limbs or body organs.  
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), which can result in sleep disorders and increased anxiety or depression for years after an attack.  

At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, we are dedicated to helping you get the compensation you are entitled to for these and other common types of dog bite injuries. While you focus on your recovery, our Manhattan Beach dog bite attorneys focus on holding the owner accountable in a claim.   

How Do I File A Claim For Dog Bites in Manhattan Beach?  

Under Section 3342 of the California Civil Code, dog owners can be held responsible for damages you suffer as a result of dog bites in Manhattan Beach. In many cases, homeowner’s and renter’s insurance policies they have in place may cover the costs involved. To help ensure you get the maximum amount you are entitled to in any settlements, get Harris Personal Injury Lawyers on your side.  

Our legal team aggressively negotiates with insurance representatives on your behalf. If insurance is not in place or fails to adequately cover your costs, our Manhattan Beach dog bite attorneys will not hesitate to file a civil lawsuit against the dog owner and any others involved. Compensation available in this type of claim includes:  

  • Economic damages: These cover actual costs, such as current and future medical expenses and lost wages; 
  • Non-economic damages: These cover intangible costs, such as pain, suffering, disfigurement, and any loss of enjoyment in life you experience due to long-term disabilities.  
  • Punitive damages: This is an additional amount we can push for if the dog owner was grossly negligent, such as failing to get rid of or properly secure an aggressive dog or one who bit others in the past.   

To Request A Free Consultation With Our Manhattan Beach Dog Bite Attorney,  Call 1-800-GO-HARRIS Today  

You can count on Harris Personal Injury Lawyers to help you hold negligent dog owners accountable for injuries you suffer due to dog bites and attacks. We typically represent clients in these cases on a contingency basis, which means you pay no attorney fees unless we get money for you. To request a free consultation, call 1-800-GO-HARRIS or contact our Manhattan Beach dog bite attorneys online today.