Manhattan Beach Truck Accident Attorneys

Truck accidents in Manhattan Beach can leave other motorists involved suffering serious personal injuries. To get the compensation you need to recover, get our legal team at Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc. on your side. 

Our Manhattan truck accident attorneys have decades’ worth of combined experience dealing with at-fault truck drivers and the companies they work for.  Our top case results show our success in obtaining millions of dollars in settlements and jury awards in truck accident claims. Available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, call 1-800-GO-HARRIS to request a free consultation today.  

Get The Professional Legal Representation You Need From Our Manhattan Beach Truck Accident Attorneys 

Semi-trucks, tractor-trailers, and other big rigs can weigh up to 80,000 pounds. Their massive size makes them harder to navigate, particularly when sharing the road with other drivers. To protect motorists, the City Of Manhattan Beach places restrictions on which roads truckers can travel. While Aviation, Manhattan Beach, and Sepulveda Boulevards are among designated truck routes, they are also heavily traveled by local motorists.  

Unfortunately, even minor mishaps can end up causing major truck accidents, leaving other drivers involved suffering serious harm. When these impact you or someone you love, our Manhattan Beach truck accident attorneys provide the professional legal representation you need. Common types of truck accident injuries suffered by clients in cases Harris Personal Injury Lawyers represent include:  

  • Back and neck injuries, such as whiplash and herniated discs; 
  • Broken bones, which often involve multiple fractures; 
  • Burn injuries, due to contact with hot engine oils or other hazardous substances; 
  • Crushing injuries, causing damage to body limbs and internal organs; 
  • Deep cuts and lacerations, resulting in permanent scarring and infections; 
  • Head injuries, including concussions, skull fractures, and traumatic brain injuries; 
  • Soft tissue injuries, impacting muscles, tendons, and ligaments; 
  • Spinal cord injuries, which can leave victims suffering permanent paralysis.  

What Are Common Causes Of Truck Accidents In Manhattan Beach?  

Reports from the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) indicate that sharing the road with trucks and other commercial vehicles is one of the biggest concerns among drivers. This is for good reason-roughly 3,000 truck accidents in California happen each year, the majority of which are in Los Angeles County.  

What are common causes of truck accidents in Manhattan Beach? The type of crash often provides important clues:  

  • Head-on truck accidents, often due to drowsy driving and driving under the influence; 
  • Jackknife accidents, which is when the trailer rides up alongside the truck cab, can happen due to speeding or brake failures and other maintenance issues.  
  • Rear impact truck accidents, due to tailgating or distracted driving; 
  • Rollover truck accidents, due to improper loading practices and going too fast around curves; 
  • Side impact or ‘t-bone’ truck accidents, which are often caused by running red lights or disregarding stop signs at intersections; 
  • Sideswipe truck accidents, in which improper passing, failure to yield, and other aggressive driving behaviors are involved.  

At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, our Manhattan Beach truck accident attorneys will thoroughly investigate your case. We determine exactly how your truck accident happened and who can be held accountable in a claim.  

How Do I File A Truck Accident Claim?  

When you suffer serious personal injuries due to a truck accident in Manhattan Beach, both the truck driver and the company they work for can be held liable in a claim. As trucking companies typically have teams of attorneys on their side, it is important to get our legal team at Harris Personal Injury Lawyers on yours.  

Our Manhattan Beach truck accident attorneys aggressively negotiate with insurance companies involved to help you get the maximum amount in any settlements. If your injuries are severe and insurance fails to adequately cover your costs, we can file a truck accident lawsuit against those at fault through the Los Angeles County Civil Court. Compensation you may be entitled to in this type of claim includes:  

  • Economic damages, which cover current and future medical expenses, lost wages, and other tangible costs you incur; 
  • Non-economic damages, which include compensation for your pain, suffering, loss of enjoyment in life due to your injuries, and other intangible losses; 
  • Punitive damages, which is an additional amount we can push for if the truck driver or the company they worked for acted in a particularly willful and negligent manner. This includes driving with a high blood alcohol content (BAC) level or blatant violations of state or federal safety regulations.  

Call 1-800-GO-HARRIS And Request A Free Consultation Today 

At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, we typically represent victims of truck accidents on a contingency basis. This means you pay no attorney fees unless we get money for you. To get our legal team fighting on your side, call  1-800-GO-HARRIS or contact our Manhattan Beach truck accident attorneys online and request a free consultation today.