Newport Beach Bus Accident Attorneys

Newport Beach Bus Accident Attorneys

The aftermath of a crash involving a large bus is a time of significant stress and uncertainty. You may be worried about making ends meet despite mounting medical bills, and you might be wondering who is liable for the damages. Our bus accident attorneys in Newport Beach can answer any questions you have about your case and help you make strategic decisions. We have represented thousands of clients in accident claims, many of which involved buses. Our lawyers can serve as your aggressive legal advocates, fighting for the highest possible compensation for you and your family. For a free consultation, call 1-800-GO-HARRIS.

What Evidence Might Be Used to Strengthen My Case?

The strongest bus accident claims are those that are supported by strong evidence of liability, causation, and damages. If you have sufficient evidence to prove these three components, there’s a good chance you will be able to win a fair settlement without major disputes or unnecessary delays. Of course, there’s no way to guarantee the opposing party will cooperate no matter how strong your case seems. But our skilled bus accident lawyers in Newport Beach will do everything in their power to hedge the odds in your favor, and that means compiling all available evidence. Essential evidence may include:

  • The Accident Report: The content of the accident report could play an integral role in the outcome of your case. If the report corroborates your version of events and makes it clear how the crash occurred and accurately describes the resulting injuries and property damage, it could serve as valuable evidence.
  • Deposition from Eyewitnesses: Your attorney might take deposition from people who saw the accident and witnessed how the opposing party’s negligence caused it.
  • Pictures and Video Recordings: Photos can provide tremendous insight into how an accident occurred. Pictures and videos may be assessed by an accident reconstruction expert to determine liability. Photos of injuries and property damage can convey the severity of the resulting damages.
  • Black Box Data: If the bus had an electronic logging device, its content might serve to strengthen your case.
  • Your Medical and Financial Records: These documents will be needed to prove the extent of your damages. While your medical documentation can provide insight into your diagnosis, prognosis, and the cost of care, your financial records can be used to determine the value of lost income.
  • Deposition from an Accident Reconstruction Expert: As previously mentioned, an accident reconstruction expert might review photos, videos, and other evidence to determine how the crash occurred. Their deposition might help your lawyer prove negligence and liability.
  • Deposition from Other Expert Witnesses: There are many kinds of experts who might be deposed by your Newport Beach bus accident attorney. Examples include medical specialists, economists, and vocational experts.
  • Documentation of Economic Damages: Keep the invoices and receipts for any payments you make for goods or services that become necessary as a result of the accident. Examples include transportation, child care, and domestic assistance.
  • Your Personal Journal About Your Recovery: Your lawyer might use the content of your personal injury journal to prove physical pain, mental suffering, emotional distress, loss of life enjoyment, and loss of consortium.

Gathering evidence will be one of your attorney’s primary responsibilities. While some lawyers cut corners during their investigation, the team at Harris Personal Injury Lawyers investigates every case as if they are preparing for trial. Even if it seems likely that the opposing party will settle, we will compile all available evidence that we think might strengthen your claim.

When Can I Expect My Case to Be Resolved?

This isn’t a simple question to answer since each case is unique. Many factors could affect the duration of the proceedings including:

  • The amount of time it takes your injuries to reach maximum medical improvement (MMI);
  • Whether the insurance company is willing to cooperate;
  • The strength of your evidence;
  • The amount of compensation you are pursuing;
  • Whether you are seeking punitive damages;
  • Whether your own negligence was a contributing factor;
  • Whether you take reasonable steps to mitigate the damages; and
  • Whether you make a mistake that leads to a dispute such as posting about your injuries on social media.

At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, one of our top priorities is to avoid unnecessary disputes and delays. We understand that you just want to recover fair compensation and move on with life. We will do everything in our power to reach a favorable resolution to your case as soon as possible, but we won’t hesitate to enter litigation if the opposing party refuses to cooperate.

Discuss Your Situation with a Newport Beach Bus Accident Lawyer

If you want to speak with a well-credentialed personal injury attorney about your situation, call 1-800-GO-HARRIS to schedule a free case review. You can also reach us online via our Contact Page.