3 Tips for Using Social Media after a Car Accident

If you were injured in a collision and you’re planning to take action against the liable parties, it’s probably best to deactivate your social media accounts before initiating proceedings. The claims adjuster may pore through your online activity in a bid to find any posts that could be used as evidence to challenge your credibility, so taking this step could bar them from accessing this possible treasure trove of information.
However, if it’s not possible for you to go offline, we have a few tips that could help you avoid costly mistakes in the digital space. Let’s look at some of these strategies in closer detail:
Set Your Profiles to Private
Most—if not all—social media websites give you access to settings that can limit who can and can’t view what you post. If you’re filing a claim, taking time to tinker with these configurations could give you a strong line of defense against prying eyes. While there are ways for opposing parties to sidestep this protection, it will at least provide an additional hurdle to those looking to access your feeds.
Screen New Connection Requests Carefully
Once you’ve adjusted your privacy settings, you will now have to approve all new friends and followers manually. While it’s tempting to hit “Accept” without a second thought—especially if you’re in the process of expanding your social and professional networks—it’s important to screen every request carefully. It’s possible that the next invite is from someone working for the insurer, so approving their invitation could give them free reign to comb through your posts at their own leisure.
Think Twice Before Hitting “Publish”
Whether it’s a snapshot of you and your family or a review of a local business, you should consider all the possible consequences of sharing this information with the world. Even if there’s a slim chance that the insurer may be able to use this information against you, it’s probably best to avoid posting such content.
For instance, the previously mentioned photograph could be used as evidence that your injuries aren’t as serious as you are claiming as you’re still able to enjoy an active social life. While this image might be a rare happy moment amidst days of pain and hardship, the insurer can easily spin your posts to their advantage.
Skip the “Check Ins”
Just like your posts, your “check ins” can easily be misrepresented. As such, it’s best to avoid making use of this feature until proceedings have run their course so that you don’t accidentally hand ammunition to the insurer.
Call 1-800-GO-HARRIS to Discuss Your Case with a California Car Accident Attorney
If you need help building your claim, the team at Harris Personal Injury Lawyers is ready to assist. With decades of collective experience representing accident victims, we have what it takes to succeed in even the most complex cases. Reach out to us today at 1-800-GO-HARRIS or head over to our Contact Page to lock in a free case review with a California car accident attorney.
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