CHP is Raising Awareness About the Dangers of Drowsy Driving

The California Highway Patrol (CHP) recently issued a press release about the dangers of drowsy driving. With the recent conclusion of daylight saving time, officials with the CHP want motorists to know how drowsiness can impact safety behind the wheel. Even when the clock “falls back,” drivers may still have their sleep schedules and routines disrupted enough to become drowsy.
The CHP, in combination with the National Sleep Foundation, recognized Drowsy Driving Prevention Week from November 5th to the 11th. Throughout the week, they worked to encourage motorists to prioritize their sleep and only get behind the wheel when they’re alert and refreshed.
Drowsy Driving Crashes in California
According to the CHP, so far in 2023, there have been more than 4,000 crashes in California involving a drowsy driver. Additionally, there were more than 5,000 drowsy driving crashes in the state during each of the two previous years.
“Falling Back” Doesn’t Necessarily Mean an Extra Hour of Sleep
Just because the clock falls back, that doesn’t necessarily mean that your brain gets the message, or that your children will sleep in or that your pets will sleep in. Oftentimes, when the clock falls back, people are still waking up at the time their bodies are used to getting up. This means that cumulatively, you could be running on less sleep than usual, especially during the week or two after the time change when your body is still adjusting to the new normal.
Pull Over If You’re Tired
Officials with the CHP are reminding motorists to pull over to rest areas if they’re feeling tired or fatigued behind the wheel. Driving drowsy can have similar impacts to the body as driving under the influence of alcohol. If you’re tired or fatigued, your reaction times can be reduced, cognition diminished and you could even be at risk for falling asleep behind the wheel. Make sure you get plenty of sleep and monitor your energy levels accordingly before getting behind the wheel.
If you have been injured or if you have lost a loved one in a car accident caused by a drowsy driver in San Diego or anywhere in Southern California, contact the skilled and proven team at Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc. at 1.800.GO.HARRIS for a free case consultation today.
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