CHP on New Traffic Safety Laws in 2024

The California Highway Patrol (CHP) recently issued a press release about updates to the traffic laws in 2024. Motorists are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the changes and updates to make sure they’re ready to hit the road safely in the new year. Some of the new laws and updates impact vehicle registrations, speed safety systems, catalytic converters, emergency notifications and school buses. Most of these changes went into effect on January first. Listed below are just a few of the upcoming changes. 

  • Vehicle Registration: Starting on July 1, 2024, a violation of vehicle registration shall not be the sole basis for any enforcement action before the second month after the month of expiration of the vehicle’s registration.  
  • Speeding Safety System Pilot Program: The cities of Los Angeles, Oakland, San Jose, Glendale, Long Beach and the City and County of San Francisco may install a limited number of cameras to enforce speed limits for a five-year pilot period in school zones and designated “safety corridors.”  
  • Stopping, Standing and Parking: Designed to increase visibility at crosswalks, the new law prohibits stopping a vehicle along a curb at least 20 feet from a marked crosswalk or 15 feet of a crosswalk where a curb extension is present.  
  • Emergency Notification, Ebony Alert: This alert will allow law enforcement agencies to request the CHP to activate an alert for Black youth, including young women and girls between ages 12 to 25 years old who may have been abducted. 
  • Vehicle Safety Regulations: A law authorizing the CHP to establish rules and regulations allowing commercial vehicles capable of carrying more than 500 gallons of fuel to exceed the standard 10 hours-of-service limit during Governor-delcared State of Emergencies.  
  • Zero-Emission School Bus Signage: A school using a zero-emission school bus to transport pupils at or below the 12th-grade level will be able to place signage on the rear of the vehicle to identify that the school bus is a clean air zero-emission bus.  

The team at Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc. wishes everybody a Safe and Happy New Year, and if you have been injured or if you have lost a loved one in a car accident in San Diego or anywhere in Southern California, contact our office at 1.800.GO.HARRIS for a free case consultation today.