Don’t Fall for These Common Misconceptions About Car Accident Cases

Car accidents are a common consequence of life on the open road, so it’s no surprise that this frequent occurrence has spawned more than just a few myths. As such, in the aftermath, it’s not unusual to encounter misinformation and advice wherever you turn. 

In this article, we’ll tackle some of the most common misconceptions around car wrecks to help give you clarity in the aftermath of a collision: 

“I Don’t Need to Visit the Doctor If I Feel Fine.” 

If you were able to walk away from the wreck, you may think you’ve survived unscathed. However, not only could the adrenaline rush sparked by the collision be masking the warning signs of something serious, but some conditions can also take hours or even days to manifest symptoms. 

As such, you should always seek medical treatment after an accident. Not only will this ensure you receive prompt treatment, but this doctor’s visit could also help you avoid disputes when you file your claim down the line.  

“My Own Insurance Will Cover Most of My Accident-Related Costs.” 

In some states, this might be true; however, California is an at-fault car insurance state, so the liable driver’s insurer will almost always be responsible for covering any losses stemming from a collision. As such, establishing fault is a core component of any successful personal injury claim in the state as you will need to show that another party was responsible for causing the crash.

To do so, you will need to collect evidence to demonstrate that they behaved negligently. Such evidence might include surveillance camera footage, photographs of the accident scene, eyewitness statements, official accident reports, toxicology reports, and cellphone records. 

“I Don’t Need to Report the Accident If It Was Minor.” 

According to California’s laws, you are required to report any collision that results in the injury or death of a person and/or property damage exceeding $750 to law enforcement. Additionally, many insurance companies will require you to notify them of the collision within just a few days of the incident. 

“I Can Handle My Claim on My Own.” 

While this isn’t entirely inaccurate, it’s almost always a wise decision to enlist legal help. If you suffered only a few thousand dollars in damages and your injuries aren’t particularly severe, you can probably handle your case yourself. However, if you sustained a catastrophic injury or disability and those losses are now adding up to tens of thousands of dollars, it might be time to pick up the phone. 

Discuss Your Case with a California Car Accident Attorney 

If you’re planning to file a personal injury claim, you’ll benefit from getting reliable answers and accurate information. An attorney can not only provide dependable guidance but can also represent you throughout proceedings, giving you time to focus on other matters such as taking care of your health. 

At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, we’ve helped our clients secure more than $300 million in settlements and verdicts, which we believe speaks volumes about the personalized attention and aggressive representation we bring to every case. Call us today at 1-800-GO-HARRIS or send us a message via our Contact Form to lock in a free case review with a California car accident attorney.