How Important Are Eyewitnesses in a Car Accident Claim?

In the blink of an eye, the predictable nature of your daily commute is plunged into chaos. There’s a reverberating metallic thud, the cracking of glass, and a whirlwind of scenery through your windows.  

With your emotions running high and adrenaline in overdrive, it can be difficult to recall exactly what happened in the aftermath of a crash. However, you and the other motorist involved were probably not the only witnesses to this traumatic event. 

Whether it was another driver, a pedestrian, or a nearby store owner, there’s a strong likelihood that someone else saw the collision happen. Even though you might not have the full picture, these other individuals can help fill in the gaps. 

Eyewitness testimony can play a crucial role in a car accident claim, potentially turning the tides in your favor if liability is in dispute. In this article, we look at the kinds of individuals who can act as eyewitnesses, how this important piece of evidence could help support your case, and some important factors to keep in mind in the wake of an accident. 

Potential Eyewitnesses in Your Car Accident Case 

An eyewitness is any individual who was present at the scene of the accident and was able to see the sequence of events leading up to, during, and/or after the crash. Possible witnesses in your case could include: 

  • Other drivers who were on the road at the time of the crash; 
  • Passengers in other vehicles near the accident scene; 
  • Pedestrians in close proximity of the collision; 
  • Anyone who stopped to help assist you after the accident; 
  • Residents of nearby properties; or 
  • Staff working at nearby businesses. 

What Can Eyewitness Testimony Prove? 

In the wake of a crash, it’s not unusual for the motorists involved to have conflicting versions of events. Thankfully, an impartial onlooker could make all the difference, helping outline exactly what happened on that fateful day. While such testimonies aren’t ironclad—it’s not uncommon for witnesses to forget or misremember certain details about what they saw—they may be able to help corroborate your side of the story.  

As such, you should take down the names and contact details of any eyewitnesses as your attorney may want to interview them during their investigation into the accident. It may also be wise to take down brief statements from these individuals while their memories are still fresh. 

Speak to a Car Accident Attorney in California Today 

Were you hurt in a serious wreck? Gathering eyewitness statements is just one of many steps you might have to take to build a strong case. At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, we can assist with almost every aspect of your case, from helping collect evidence to assessing your damages to providing aggressive representation throughout proceedings.  

We can review your claim as part of a free consultation wherein we can weigh the strengths and weaknesses of your case and share how we plan to approach building your claim. Dial 1-800-GO-HARRIS or head over to our contact page HERE to request a case review with a California car accident attorney.