How to Maximize the Value of Your Truck Accident Claim

In the wake of a truck accident, it’s natural to fret about your financial security. From mounting medical bills to week after week of missed work, the associated damages can quickly amount to tens of thousands—if not hundreds of thousands—of dollars.  

While you might be entitled to compensation, you’re not guaranteed a payout that actually accounts for every dollar you deserve. There are steps you can take, however, to increase your chances of walking away with a satisfactory settlement or judgement.  

Read on to learn about some of the most effective strategies for maximizing the value of your truck accident claim: 

Record Your Injury-Related Expenses Diligently 

You can only pursue compensation for the damages you can prove you actually incurred. As such, it’s imperative to save any and all documentation associated with your injury-related expenses. Examples include: 

  • Hospital bills, 
  • Pharmacy receipts, 
  • Health insurance statements,
  • Invoices for ambulance fees,
  • Paystubs logging missed shifts, and
  • Invoices for reasonable and necessary replacement services. 

You can also account for the cost of repairing or replacing any damaged property, including your vehicle, in the claim. Just make sure to save the associated paperwork from your mechanic.  

Keep a Personal Injury Journal 

California allows for the recovery of non-economic damages, which can be every bit as devastating as the monetary losses left in the wake of a truck accident. Examples include loss of enjoyment in life, pain and suffering, and emotional distress.  

The injured party’s spouse or registered domestic partner can also file a claim for loss of consortium. This refers to the loss of moral support, companionship, and intimacy they incur as a result of their husband or wife’s condition.  

The most widely accepted way to prove these kinds of non-economic damages is with detailed journal entries. As soon as possible after the accident, you—and, if you’re married, your spouse—should start a daily journal in which you write about the physical, emotional, and practical hurdles you face as a result of the accident.

Lay Low onSocial Media  

The less active you are on social media, the less content the insurance adjuster will have to scrutinize when looking for cause to challenge your credibility. Truck accident attorneys typically advise clients to disable their accounts temporarily until their claims have been resolved.  

If that’s not possible, at least enable the strictest privacy settings, and avoid posting anything that could potentially be used against you. You should also remind your friends and loved ones of your pending claim. If the insurance adjuster cannot see your content, they may take to monitoring that of your closest relatives, so ask them to refrain from tagging you in anything.  

Speak with a California Truck Accident Attorney  

At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, we know what it takes to hold motor carriers liable for their drivers’ indiscretions. If you were struck by a drunk, drowsy, or distracter trucker, we’ll help you compile the evidence needed to seek compensation for the damages you incur. Call 1-800-GO-HARRIS or fill out the Contact Form on our website to set up a free case review with a truck accident lawyer in California.