Hurt in a Bicycle Accident? Take These 5 Steps Right Away

If you were recently struck by a motorist while riding your bike, you’re probably facing a long road to recovery. Aside from their helmets, cyclists have little protection from forceful impacts, so they tend to sustain serious injuries when they’re involved in collisions.  

Fortunately, they’re usually entitled to compensation for the associated damages. They must put together a strong claim, however, before they can secure a payout.  

If you’re planning on filing a bicycle accident claim, you can give it the best chance of success by doing the following as soon as possible: 

Preserve Photos & Videos of the Scene  

If you managed to photograph the wreckage in the aftermath of the crash, store the images in a safe place. The same goes for any video footage captured by your helmet cam. Accident reconstruction experts should be able to piece together what happened by reviewing the available photos and videos.  

Seek Medical Care  

There’s always a lot to do after a cycling accident, but your first priority should be your health. Visit a doctor as soon as possible after the crash to ensure the prompt treatment of any injuries. In addition to preventing complications that might otherwise arise, this will demonstrate a commitment to mitigating damages.  

Start a Daily Journal  

Sustaining serious injuries can be just as devastating emotionally as it is physically. Thankfully, California tort law recognizes as much, so eligible accident victims are entitled to recover compensation for their non-economic damages in addition to the associated monetary losses.  

Since pain and suffering aren’t accompanied by any receipts or invoices, though, claimants must find another way to demonstrate the extent of their non-monetary losses. Detailed journal entries are one of the most widely accepted forms of proof, so take time out each day to write about the hurdles you face as a result of your condition.  

Document All Injury-Related Expenses  

You’re going to have to prove that you actually incurred the losses for which you’re seeking compensation, so make sure to preserve all corresponding documentation. This includes hospital bills, health insurance statements, and paystubs logging any missed work.   

Consult a Personal Injury Lawyer 

Although you have the right to represent yourself, you have enough to worry about without having to navigate the claims process alone. By enlisting legal help, you can focus on your recovery while your case proceeds in steady hands.  

A resourceful attorney will be equipped to handle virtually every aspect of your claim, from the initial investigation to the final stages of the settlement negotiations. What’s more, if the insurance adjuster refuses to offer a fair payout, your legal team can help you proceed with a formal lawsuit.  

Speak with a California Bicycle Accident Attorney  

At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, we know how devastating cycling accidents can be. If you were struck by a drunk, distracted, or drowsy driver while riding your bike, we’ll help you take the steps needed to hold them accountable. To schedule a free case review with a bicycle accident lawyer in California, call 1-800-GO-HARRIS or fill out our Online Contact Form