Hurt in a Truck Wreck? Watch Out for These 5 Common Errors

The days following a large truck crash can feel like a blur. From dealing with extreme pain, life-changing limitations, and a host of unanticipated expenses, it can often seem like you don’t even have a second to spare to take a breath.  

However, while these are challenging times, it’s important to remain calm and consider your options carefully. While someone else’s negligence may have flipped your life upside down, your own errors will only further your worries as they could compromise your personal injury claim. 

In this article, we look at a few common missteps you should make sure to avoid after a truck accident: 

Admitting Fault for Causing the Wreck 

While it might look like you were responsible for causing the accident, you should never vocalize your thoughts to the insurer or another opposing party. Ultimately, a roadside confession can be one of the worst mistakes you can make as it may leave you unable to pursue compensation. Additionally, evidence may emerge that shows that you weren’t entirely to blame for the crash, so you can never be certain about exactly what happened until you’ve had a chance to thoroughly investigate the wreck. 

Posting about the Accident on Social Media 

In the immediate aftermath of a collision, it’s tempting to hop onto social media and share the grisly details of this traumatic encounter. While you may receive much-needed emotional support, the benefits of your digital tell-all could be short-lived.  

Insurers now regularly monitor social media profiles as part of their claim assessments. As such, if there’s a chance that your pictures, comments, or even reviews could be used as evidence to challenge your credibility, the claims adjuster might use your digital activity as evidence to dispute your claim. Fortunately, you can prevent the insurer from accessing your feeds by deactivating your social media profiles for the duration of proceedings. 

Providing a Recorded Statement 

Until you’ve had an opportunity to investigate the wreck and take stock of your damages, it’s unwise to give a recorded statement to the insurer. While the claims adjuster might seem friendly, their goal is usually to find any reason to devalue your claim. Thankfully, when you hire an attorney to handle your case, they can step in to oversee all dialogue with the insurer and other opposing parties. 

Rushing into Negotiations 

Without a clear idea of how much your case might be worth, you shouldn’t accept a settlement offer. Their offer might not account for many of your losses—both those you’ve already incurred and expenses you are reasonably likely to have to pay in the future.  

For instance, you might have to undergo additional procedures or make further modifications to your vehicle or home. A personal injury lawyer can review the available evidence and consult with expert witnesses if necessary to help approximate fair compensation for the damages you’ve suffered. 

Failing to Preserve Evidence 

If you have been able to gather any proof that might help support your claim, you should file it away in a safe place where it’ll be ready to share with your attorney. Evidence that could be useful to your claim might include: 

  • Bills, receipts, and invoices for your accident-related expenses; 
  • Copies of your medical records; 
  • The official accident report; 
  • Surveillance camera recordings; 
  • Dashcam footage; 
  • Photographs of the wreckage; 
  • Letters from your employer and pay stubs documenting lost income;  
  • The names and contact details of eyewitnesses; and 
  • Copies of any correspondence with the insurer and other opposing parties. 

Speak to a Truck Accident Attorney in California Today 

If you were hurt in a truck wreck, sitting down to discuss your situation with a personal injury attorney could be a wise decision. At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, we offer free consultations, giving you a chance to get to know our legal team and the type of representation we offer. 

With a track record of success both in and out of court, you can rest assured that our California truck accident attorneys have the knowledge, resources, and experience necessary to prevail in even the most complex cases. Contact us today at 1-800-GO-HARRIS or skip over to our contact page HERE to pencil in a free case assessment.