Injury Scholarship Recipient Fall 2024

We are proud to announce Madison as the winner of our Personal Injury Scholarship for Fall 2024. Our team was deeply moved by Madison’s essay, which showcased her resilience and determination in the face of adversity, as well as her commitment to advocating for others!

Madison’s journey took an unexpected turn during swim practice when she experienced a sharp pain in her arm that radiated to her chest. Initially dismissed as a severe cramp, the pain intensified, leading Madison to discover that she had torn her left pectoral muscle—an unfortunate injury occurring just one week before her first competitive swim meet of her junior year in high school.

Excited to embark on her competitive swimming career, Madison was unexpectedly sidelined, spending months in a sling and enduring excruciating pain that made even simple a daily struggle. The injury not only affected her physical abilities but also had a significant impact on her academic life. Carrying a heavy backpack became impossible, and despite switching to a rolling backpack, Madison continued to face challenges, including navigating stairs and missing crucial class time due to doctor appointments.

However, Madison's struggles also led her to recognize broader issues within her school. She observed a lack of adequate medical care and safe equipment, particularly affecting minority students. Determined to make a difference, Madison wrote to her school district board member, advocating for improved resources. Her efforts were rewarded when her school received new, safer workout equipment, which significantly reduced the number of student injuries.

Not stopping there, Madison elevated her advocacy by joining the Region North’s Superintendent Student Advisory Council, where she passionately advocated for the inclusion of athletic trainers in district budgets. Back at her school, she garnered support through a petition, demonstrating her unwavering commitment to improving conditions for her peers, despite her injury preventing her from competing in sports during her final two years of high school.

Madison's dedication extended beyond athletics. During her junior year, she founded the Inclusion Club, creating a space where students with and without disabilities could come together through games and sports. This experience fueled her passion for advocating for inclusivity and accessibility, a cause she plans to continue pursuing as she enters UCLA this fall.

Madison's story is one of perseverance, resilience, and hope. Her experiences have shaped her into a determined and tenacious individual, unafraid to initiate change and advocate for those in need. As she embarks on her college journey at UCLA, Madison is dedicated to making the campus more accessible for students with disabilities and is committed to using her education to help others.

Congratulations, Madison! We are confident that you will continue to make a positive impact wherever you go.