May is National Bicycle Safety Month

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is hoping to raise awareness about bicycle safety during the Month of May. May is National Bicycle Safety Month, and the NHTSA, as well as state and local law enforcement and public safety agencies across the nation, will be participating in various educational, enforcement and public safety events.
According to the NHTSA, there were 938 cyclist deaths in 2020. That number accounted for 2.4 percent of all traffic fatalities for the year. Sadly, early estimates also show a five-percent increase in cyclist deaths in 2021. Throughout the Month of May, there will be publicized safety campaigns calling on cyclists and drivers to Share The Road. Additionally, there will be educational events and enhanced enforcement patrols to improve cyclist safety on roadways across the country over the course of the next four weeks.
Tips for Drivers and Bicycle Riders
The NHTSA has lots of great resources for bicycle riders and motorists. This month, they’re reminding people to never ride or drive distracted. They want people to expect the unexpected. Riders are being urged to wear bicycle helmets when they’re cycling, and passenger vehicle occupants are being reminded to buckle up for every trip.
Safety advocates also want cyclists and drivers to familiarize themselves with all the rules of the road. Bicycles are considered vehicles on roadways too, so they have all the rights and responsibilities that motor vehicle drivers have. Finally, cyclists and drivers are being asked to Share The Road and to look out for one another.
Bicycle Accidents in San Diego
Cyclists, along with pedestrians and motorcycle riders, are one of the most vulnerable roadway user groups in the U.S. Unfortunately, it’s not enough to just ride safely and wear a helmet. Bicycle riders are counting on the drivers they share the roadway to lookout for them and put their phones down.
If you have been injured or if you have lost a loved one in a bicycle accident in San Diego or anywhere in Southern California, contact the skilled and proven team at Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc. at 1.800.GO.HARRIS for a free case consultation today.
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