NHTSA on Seat Belt Safety in The U.S.

Seat belt safety remains an important topic for the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Throughout the year, they publicize various campaigns to increase seat belt usage in America. From “Click It or Ticket” to “Buckle Up. Every Trip. Every Time.,” the message is always the same. Buckle up. Wearing a seatbelt is the single best way to protect yourself in the event of a crash.
Buckle Up. Every Trip. Every Time.
The Buckle Up. Every Trip. Every Time. campaign hopes to remind motorists that every time they get in a vehicle, they need to buckle up. It doesn’t matter how short or how long the trip is. It could be a trip across the country or a trip across town. If you’re getting in a motor vehicle, you need to buckle up. It could save your life.
If you get into the habit of buckling up for every trip, it becomes something you’re just used to doing. You don’t have to think about it. You just do it. It also sets a great example for children and teens.
Click It or Ticket
The Click It or Ticket campaign serves to remind motorists about the costs of not buckling up. Not everybody will take their personal safety seriously enough to buckle up, but they might take the possibility of getting a ticket and a fine seriously.
Law enforcement agencies in California and across the country participate in high-visibility enforcement campaigns to help promote seat belt safety at certain times during the year. To keep yourself safe and avoid a ticket, make sure to buckle up, all the time.
Child Passenger Safety
Child passenger safety is also an important topic surrounding the seat belt safety message. Babies, toddlers, small children and kids need to be in age and size-appropriate car seats or booster seats. For free guidance on installation and sizing, check with your local California Highway Patrol office. Children should always be properly buckled in, and located in the safest area of the vehicle, which is the back seat.
If you have been injured in a car accident in San Diego or anywhere in Southern California, contact the skilled and proven team at Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc. at 1.800.GO.HARRIS for a free case consultation today.
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