NHTSA on Thanksgiving Weekend Roadway Safety

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is currently gearing up for the holiday season. Officials with the NHTSA want motorists to drive safely during the Thanksgiving weekend and throughout the holiday season. Sadly, Thanksgiving is well known for having a spike in injury-causing and fatal crashes. It’s a time for families and loved ones to get together, but it’s also a time of increased roadway travel and drunk driving. Law enforcement agencies in California and throughout the U.S. will be participating in enhanced enforcement campaigns in an effort to increase safety during the holidays.
Blackout Wednesday
Unfortunately, “Black Out Wednesday” has become a popular cultural phenomenon. It’s also known as “Drinksgiving.” This is when people are encouraged to partake in alcohol and or drug use before and during the holiday weekend. This is obviously a huge problem for roadway safety, as many of these people still get behind the wheel. Safety advocates and officials are calling on people to make sure they have a safe ride home if they plan on drinking or taking drugs this holiday weekend.
Buckle Up for Thanksgiving
There will also be various Click It or Ticket campaigns going on throughout the U.S. Buckling up is the single most effective way to protect yourself in the event of a crash. You can’t help what other people are choosing to do behind the wheel, but you can buckle up for every trip.
Don’t Drink and Drive
Ultimately, the main public safety campaign this year is all about raising awareness on the dangers of drinking and driving. It’s never a good idea to drink and drive, and even one drink can be one drink too many in some situations. If you are going to celebrating Thanksgiving with alcohol, make a plan to get home safely. It’s not worth risking your life or the lives of others.
The team at Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc. wishes everybody a Safe and Happy Thanksgiving holiday, and if you have been injured or if you have lost a loved one in a car accident caused by a drunk driver in San Diego or anywhere in Southern California, contact our office at 1.800.GO.HARRIS for a free case consultation.
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