Share The Road With Motorcycles

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is urging motorists to Share The Road with motorcycles and other vulnerable roadway users. According to the NHTSA, motorcycle crashes involving another motor vehicle make up almost half of all motorcyclists fatalities in the U.S. Motorcycle safety is everybody’s responsibility. Motorcycle riders, as well as other motorists have a duty to ride and drive safely.
Riders are reminded to wear helmets, jackets, boots, gloves and other safety gear. They’re also urged to drive safely and follow all the Rules of The Road. Unfortunately, even when motorcycle riders are taking all possible safety precautions, they’re still at the mercy of the motorists they share the road with.
Put Down The Distractions
The best way to make sure you’re sharing the road safely is to put down the distractions. If you’re on your phone or engaging in other types of distractions behind the wheel, you’re not sharing the road. Motorcycles are counting on motorists to drive safely.
Motorcycles are smaller than cars and trucks, and aren’t always as easily seen. Furthermore, even with helmets, motorcycle riders are at an increased risk for injury and death when they’re involved in an accident. They’re just not as well protected as somebody who is in a vehicle with seat belts and a steel cage surrounding them. Even a motorcycle accident at relatively low speeds can be catastrophic or worse for a motorcycle rider.
Motorcycle Accidents in Southern California
Sadly, motorcycle riders are 27 times more likely to die in a crash than other motorists, so it’s critically important that motorists Share The Road. After any kind of motorcycle accident involving a dangerous or distracted driver, it’s important to speak with a Personal Injury lawyer about your case. You may be entitled to compensation to cover medical bills, lost wages and other expenses associated with your injuries.
If you have been injured or if you have lost a loved one in a motorcycle accident in San Diego or anywhere in Southern California, contact the skilled and proven team at Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc. at 1.800.GO.HARRIS for a free case consultation today.
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