What Damages Are Recoverable in a Car Accident Claim?

Car accidents may be commonplace on California’s streets, but the consequences are anything but routine. A serious wreck can put your life into a tailspin, taking an immense toll on your financial, physical, and emotional well-being.
While no amount of money can erase the trauma you’ve endured, a fair settlement or verdict could help you cover the costs of treating your injuries and help you get your life back on track. In this article, we take a closer look at the damages you can seek when you file a car accident claim in the state.
Medical Costs
If you were hurt in a car accident, it’s likely you’ve incurred significant medical expenses. Fortunately, such costs may be recoverable as part of your claim. You will need to gather evidence to demonstrate these damages such as your medical bills, invoices for treatments, expert witness deposition, and diagnostic scans.
Lost Wages
A serious injury can leave you unable to work for weeks, months, or even years. If you suffered a permanent disability, it’s possible that you may never be able to earn a living again. In California, injury victims can seek compensation for both the wages they’ve lost thus far and those that—due to their injuries—they are likely to lose in the future. Your attorney may need to consult with expert witnesses such as economists and vocational experts to approximate fair compensation for such losses.
Pain and Suffering
While your medical bills, lost wages, and other tangible losses will make up a significant portion of the potential recovery in your case, these damages only represent the tip of the iceberg. Some losses aren’t reflected on invoices, bills, and receipts, but can still have a detrimental effect on your quality of life.
For instance, the pain you’ve experienced since the accident can make it difficult to enjoy certain aspects of your life such as social activities, hobbies, and exercise. As such, you have a right to seek compensation for these intangible losses. Your attorney may have to use many different types of evidence to prove your non-economic damages such as personal injury journal entries, psychiatric reports, and expert witness deposition.
Property Repairs
If your vehicle was damaged in the accident, you may be able to recover compensation for the cost of repairing or replacing it. You should make sure to track these costs carefully by saving the relevant receipts, invoices, and bills in a safe place.
Discuss Your Case with a Car Accident Attorney in California Today
Were you injured in a car wreck? Our attorneys may be able to assist with your case. At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, we have decades of collective experience overseeing personal injury and wrongful death cases in California. As part of your free initial consultation, our California car accident attorneys can assess your situation, answer your questions, and discuss how we might proceed with your case. To get started, dial 1-800-GO-HARRIS or send us a message via our Online Contact Form.
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