What Kinds of Expert Witnesses Might Contribute to My Motorcycle Accident Claim?

Building a strong motorcycle wreck case is rarely a straightforward process. In most situations, you will need to gather many different types of evidence such as surveillance camera footage, photographs of the accident scene, and eyewitness statements. If your claim is particularly complex, you may also need to consult with various experts as their invaluable insight could help shift the tides in your favor. 

In this article, we take a look at a few that frequently play a role in motorcycle accident cases: 

Accident Reconstructionists 

Sometimes it's immediately clear how an accident happened, but this isn't always the case. As such, you may need to bring in an accident reconstruction expert to analyze the events of that fateful day. Such experts will usually look at every aspect of the wreckage, assessing the scene itself, photographs, and video footage to deduce what transpired and who was responsible for causing the collision. 

Industry Experts 

If your injuries will prevent you from returning to work in the future, you might be able to seek compensation for lost earning capacity and loss of earnings. To help approximate fair compensation for such damages, your lawyer may bring in vocational experts to assess your experience, job role, education, and career trajectory. Such specialists can also provide insight into how your injuries might inhibit your ability to work down the line. 

Medical Specialists 

To pursue compensation for the costs associated with your injuries, you'll need to demonstrate the severity of your condition and any lasting impact they may have on your everyday life. This is where medical specialists can help.  

In addition to consulting with your primary care physician and any other of your healthcare providers, your legal team may obtain statements from one or more specialists with relevant knowledge about the type of injury you suffered. Such experts can provide testimony regarding the types of challenges, limitations, and pain you might be experiencing. For instance, if you suffered a spinal cord injury, a neurologist could give insight into the ways your condition impedes your ability to lead a normal life. 


Estimating future losses, such as missed paychecks and diminished earning potential, isn't as simple as adding up a few figures. You will also need to consider inflation and other economic factors to ensure that your settlement will help cover your losses down the line. An economist will ensure that these important elements aren't overlooked, and will ensure that your damages are correctly tabulated so that they can be admitted as evidence during proceedings. 

Discuss Your Case with a California Motorcycle Accident Attorney 

Having access to important resources such as expert witnesses could be crucial to the success of your claim. At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, we have forged strong connections with specialists throughout the state.  

As such, if you choose to hire us, you can rest assured that their expertise and knowledge are always just a phone call away. To lock in a free case review with a California motorcycle accident attorney, dial 1-800-GO-HARRIS or jump to our contact form HERE.