What to Know About Filing a Dog Bite Claim in California

Most of us associate dogs with walks in the park, lazy Sundays on the couch, or enthusiastic games of catch. However, these usually docile companions can turn violent without warning, using their speed, strength, and sharp teeth to cause severe damage.  

Victims of animal attacks are sometimes left permanently scarred or disfigured and incur thousands of dollars in medical expenses. However, these healthcare costs are often just the tip of the iceberg with lost wages, replacement services, and other losses adding up to an immense financial burden. 

Fortunately, you may be able to recover compensation for your injuries by filing a claim against the dog’s owner. In California, pet owners are held strictly liable for any harm caused by their dogs regardless of whether the animal has a history of violent behavior or not. As such, unless the owner can prove that you provoked the animal, or were trespassing at the time of the attack, there’s a high likelihood that you can recover a payout. 

What Should I Do after an Animal Attack? 

In the aftermath of an attack, it can be difficult to think clearly—especially if your injuries are severe. However, it’s important to take a deep breath and consider your next steps carefully. If you or someone else requires urgent care, you should call authorities immediately. If you are physically able to do so, you should attempt to identify the dog’s owner and take down their name and contact details.  

Additionally, you should take pictures of the area where you were attacked, the dog that bit you, and your injuries. If anyone else saw the attack happen, you should write down their contact information, too. Finally, if you noticed any surveillance cameras nearby, it may be worthwhile getting hold of this footage as it could, for example, help show that you weren’t trespassing when you were bitten. 

When Should I Visit the Doctor? 

If you didn’t receive medical attention at the scene, you should make sure to schedule a doctor’s appointment as soon as possible. Even if you feel fine, dog’s mouths carry dangerous bacteria that could cause even surface-level wounds to become infected.  

However, seeking medical treatment isn’t just important to your health. Taking this crucial step will also ensure you have access to medical records documenting your injuries and the care you’ve received. Additionally, a prompt diagnosis will also show opposing parties that you took your recovery seriously. 

What Damages Can I Pursue? 

There are a number of damages available to dog bite victims beyond compensation for your medical bills. If your wounds left you unable to work for an extended period of time, you might be able to recover a payout for lost income.  

Your injuries may have also made it impossible for you to tackle certain tasks around the home, requiring you to hire someone to oversee these activities while you were recovering. The cost of such services could also be factored into the potential recovery. Finally, if your injuries caused you excruciating pain, impacted your enjoyment of life, or led to significant emotional distress, you may be able to seek compensation for non-economic damages, too. 

Call 1-800-GO-HARRIS to Schedule a Meeting with a California Dog Bite Attorney 

Bitten by a dog? Turn to the legal team at Harris Personal Injury Lawyers for answers to your claim-related questions. We can meet with you as part of a free consultation to discuss your situation during which we can explain your rights and explore some of your options for seeking compensation. Dial 1-800-GO-HARRIS or head over to our contact form HERE to schedule a case review with a California dog bite attorney.