Who Might Be Liable for a Dog Bite in California?

While we think of most dogs as loving companions, even the most docile pups have the potential to cause serious harm. Every year, millions of people are bitten by dogs. While, for some, these terrifying encounters result in little more than a few surface wounds, others are left with life-changing injuries and a host of unexpected medical expenses.
Fortunately, as dog owners in the state are held strictly liable for any injuries caused by their pets, there’s a strong possibility that you may be able to recover compensation for the damages you’ve incurred. In other words, even if the animal that bit you had no prior history of violent behavior, its owner will still be on the hook for your medical bills, lost income, and other losses.
However, you could still face resistance when you file your claim. For instance, the owner might argue that you were trespassing when the attack occurred, or that you deliberately provoked the animal to attack you. As such, it’s important to gather strong evidence to counter such defenses during proceedings.
Let’s look at a few types of proof that might help strengthen your case:
Whether you were able to take pictures of the dog that bit you, the area where you were attacked, or snap photos of your injuries, such images could be important building blocks for your case. For instance, pictures of the dog could be used to help identify its owner. Alternatively, images of the surrounding area could help show that you weren’t trespassing when you were bitten.
Surveillance Camera Footage
If the attack happened in a public setting or at a business, surveillance cameras likely filmed the moment you were attacked. Such recordings could play a crucial role in your case. For instance, they could help show that you didn’t provoke the attack. It’s also possible that someone might have recorded the attack on their vehicle’s dashcam. As these recordings are usually automatically erased every few days, you should take steps to obtain them as soon as possible before they are no longer available.
Official Reports
If you reached out to a local animal control agency or reported the attack to the police, these entities likely compiled official reports on the incident. Information in these documents could help guide your lawyer’s investigation into the attack and may also help corroborate your version of events.
Eyewitness Statements
If someone else saw the attack transpire, their statements may help support your claim. As such, you should write down their names and contact details to share with your attorney as he or she will probably want to reach out to them down the line.
Discuss Your Case with a California Dog Bite Attorney
If you were left seriously injured after an animal attack, reaching out to a personal injury attorney could be a wise decision. At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, we can meet with you as part of a free consultation wherein we can review the evidence you’ve gathered, weigh the strengths and weaknesses of your case, and share some of the strategies we might use to help you recover compensation for your injuries. Dial 1-800-GO-HARRIS or head to our contact form HERE to request a free case evaluation with a California dog bite attorney.
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