Anaheim Dog Bite Lawyers

Anaheim Dog Bite Attorneys

Dogs have a well-earned reputation for being loyal companions. As devoted protectors of their human owners, they are often treated as beloved family members. However, they are still animals and may bite or attack in certain situations. At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc., we know that serious and potentially life-threatening injuries can occur as a result. When dog bites or attacks impact you or those you love, the dog owner may be held accountable. As experienced Anaheim dog bite attorneys, we provide trusted guidance and aggressive legal representation for victims in these cases. To discuss your dog bite injuries and how we can help, contact 1-800-GO-HARRIS and request a free consultation today.

Get Trusted Legal Guidance From Our Anaheim Dog Bite Attorneys

The American Veterinary Medical Association (ACMA) reports that over 4.5 million dog bites are reported each year throughout the U.S. Dog bites and attacks pose significant risks in neighborhoods throughout Anaheim. Even the friendliest dog will bite in certain situations. The majority of dog bites involve animals that victims are otherwise familiar with and nearly half of those impacted are children. At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc., we understand the impacts dog bites and attacks can have on every area of your life. Our Anaheim dog bite attorneys have extensive experience representing local residents in dog bite cases. You can count on us to provide trusted legal guidance when dog bite injuries occur. These often include:

  • Puncture wounds;
  • Severe cuts and lacerations;
  • Torn muscles and tendons;
  • Loss of limbs or other body parts;
  • Facial injuries resulting in permanent scarring and disfigurement;
  • Diseases, such as rabies, tetanus, and other types of infections.

In addition to the physical damage, disfigurement, and scarring caused by dog bites, victims often suffer emotionally as well. Post-traumatic stress is common and can cause sleep disturbances and personality changes, including increased anxiety, panic attacks, and depression.

Our Anaheim Dog Bite Attorneys Hold At Fault Pet Owners Responsible

When dog bites and attacks leave you suffering serious personal injuries, Harris Personal Injury Lawyers help you hold the owner responsible. Many states have what is known as a ‘one bite rule’. In order to file a claim against a dog owner for injuries you suffer, there must have been a prior incident proving the dog had the potential to be dangerous. Fortunately for victims of dog bites in Anaheim, this is not the case in California. Under Section 3342 of the California Civil Code, the owner of a dog can be held legally liable when bites or attacks happen, even if the animal showed no prior aggression. As experienced Anaheim dog bite attorneys, we help you hold dog owners accountable when injuries occur in the following situations:

  • When a dog is allowed to roam freely in parks, neighborhoods, apartment buildings, or other public places.
  • When a dog escapes a fenced enclosure without their owner’s knowledge.
  • When a dog bite occurs on a property where there are no posted warnings.
  • When otherwise friendly dogs turn on invited guests.

What Are My Options In Seeking Compensation For Dog Bite Injuries?

Dog bite injuries can have devastating effects on victims and their family members. You may be forced to undergo a lengthy hospital stay and extensive medical treatments, including reconstructive surgery and skin grafts. Physical therapy may be required to regain use of body parts and counseling may be needed to deal with the disfigurement and emotional trauma that often results. Our legal team at Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc. provides the trusted legal guidance and caring support you need in this situation. Our Anaheim dog bite attorneys can advise you on the best option in seeking compensation, which may include:

  • Filing a claim through the pet owner’s insurance company: In cases where dog bites occur on another’s property, we may be able to negotiate a settlement on your behalf through insurance policies that are in place.
  • Filing a personal injury lawsuit: In cases where insurance is not available or when the damages you suffer are severe, your interests may be better served through a personal injury lawsuit.

As experienced dog bite attorneys in Anaheim, you can trust our legal expertise to guide you through the legal process. Our case results reveal awards totaling millions of dollars in dog bite cases. Damages you may be entitled to include compensation for medical expenses and lost wages you suffer now and in the future, as well as for the pain, mental anguish, and disabilities your dog bite injuries cause.

To Schedule A Free Consultation, Call 1-800-GO-HARRIS Today

At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc., our goal is to get you the maximum amount you are entitled to for dog bite injuries. Schedule a free consultation to discuss your case and call 1-800-GO-HARRIS or contact our Anaheim dog bite attorneys online today.