Huntington Beach Pedestrian Accident Attorneys

Huntington Beach Pedestrian Accident Attorneys

On any given day, streets throughout Huntington Beach are filled with people walking. Pedestrian accidents happen on a regular basis and can result in serious, potentially life-threatening injuries. At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc., we help victims in these cases get the compensation they need to recover in a claim. Our Huntington Beach pedestrian accident attorneys have decades worth of combined experience representing injured people throughout our community. You can count on us 24 hours a day, seven days a week to provide the trusted legal guidance you need when pedestrian accidents occur. Our top case results show settlements and jury awards worth hundreds of thousands of dollars for clients. To find out how we can help you, contact 1-800-GO-HARRIS and request a free consultation today.

Our Huntington Beach Pedestrian Accident Attorneys Help You Recover From Your Injuries

The layout of Huntington Beach makes walking a popular activity. Unfortunately, with the amount of traffic on local roads, the risk of pedestrian accidents is high. According to the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS), more than 75 people in our immediate area are injured in pedestrian accidents each year. In general, Orange County ranks as one of the most dangerous places for pedestrian accidents in the state. At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, we provide trusted legal guidance and aggressive representation for people who suffer serious injuries as a result of these accidents. While you focus on your recovery, our Huntington Beach pedestrian accident attorneys focus on getting you the compensation you are entitled to in a claim. Common types of injuries suffered by clients in these cases include:

  • Soft tissue injuries, such as muscle or tendon sprains, strains, and tears; 
  • Broken bones and dislocated joints; 
  • Crushing injuries, causing damage to body parts and internal organs; 
  • Back and neck injuries, such as fractured vertebrae and damage to discs; 
  • Head injuries, resulting in concussion and potentially life-threatening brain injuries; 
  • Spinal cord injuries, which could result in partial or complete paralysis.

When these types of injuries impact you or a loved one, you can count on Harris Personal Injuries to help you hold those at fault accountable.

What Causes Pedestrian Accidents In Huntington Beach? 

With increasing numbers of people walking both for recreational purposes and as a means of transportation, the California Highway Patrol has made ensuring pedestrian safety a primary concern. While it is important for pedestrians to take the actions needed to protect themselves, one of CHPs major tasks is apprehending drivers engaged in dangerous behaviors that make pedestrian accidents more likely to occur.  When you or someone you loved is injured in a pedestrian accident, Harris Personal Injury Lawyers help you hold the at-fault driver accountable. Among the most common causes in cases our Huntington Beach pedestrian accident attorneys represent include:

  • Speeding and going too fast for conditions; 
  • Disregarding stop signs, crosswalks, and other traffic signals; 
  • Driving distracted, such as making calls or sending texts; 
  • Driving under the influence of alcohol, illegal drugs, or prescription medications.


How Do I File A Pedestrian Accident Claim? 

When the reckless actions of others on the road leave you suffering serious injuries, Harris Personal Injury Lawyers guides you in seeking compensation through a pedestrian accident claim. There are two basic options for holding those at fault responsible:

  • File a claim with the at-fault driver’s insurer: All drivers are required to maintain a minimum amount of insurance coverage to protect them against accidents in which they are to blame. Our Huntington Beach pedestrian accident attorneys aggressively negotiate with insurers on your behalf, helping you get the maximum amount in a settlement.  
  • File a personal injury lawsuit: In cases where the driver is uninsured, your injuries are severe, or a reasonable settlement cannot be reached, Harris Personal Injury Lawyers can guide you in filing a lawsuit through the Orange County Civil Court.


How Much Is My Pedestrian Accident Case Worth? 

As experienced Huntington Beach pedestrian accident attorneys, our legal team at Harris Personal Injury Lawyers is dedicated to getting you the maximum amount you need to recover in your claim. While the exact amount will vary based on the circumstances in your case and the extent of your injuries, compensation available in a pedestrian accident lawsuit often includes:

  • Economic damages, which cover actual costs such as your current and future medical expenses and lost wages; 
  • Non-economic damages, which compensate you for the pain, suffering, and loss of enjoyment in life you experience; 
  • Punitive damages, which is an additional amount that may be ordered if the at-fault driver acted in a particularly willful and reckless manner.


Contact 1-800-GO-HARRIS Today To Request a Free Consultation 

At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, we represent people injured in pedestrian accidents on a contingency basis. This means you pay no attorney fees unless we get money for you. To find out how we can help you get the compensation you need to recover, call 1-800-GO-HARRIS or contact our Huntington Beach pedestrian accident attorneys online today to request a free consultation.