Huntington Beach Dog Bite Attorneys

Huntington Beach Dog Bite Attorneys

Huntington Beach is known for being dog-friendly, with residents taking their furry four-legged friends with them wherever they go. Unfortunately, too often they let them run unleashed. This creates a dangerous situation as even the most mild-mannered dog may attack in certain situations. At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc., we represent clients who suffer serious injuries in dog bite cases. As experienced Huntington Beach dog bite attorneys, we provide professional legal representation to help you get the compensation you need to recover in a claim. Our top case results show our success in obtaining high dollar settlements and jury awards for our clients. We are available around the clock, 24 hours a day and seven days a week, to help in your case. Contact 1-800-GO-HARRIS and request a free consultation today.

Cases Our Huntington Beach Dog Bite Attorneys Represent

Despite strict animal laws in Orange County requiring dogs to be leashed in public places and restrained on private property, owners continue to allow their pets to run loose. This increases the risks of dog bites and attacks, which can result in serious, disfiguring, and even life-threatening injuries. When you or a loved one is injured in a dog bite or attack, Harris Personal Injury Lawyers.Inc. is here to guide you in seeking compensation through a personal injury claim. Our Huntington Beach dog bite attorneys provide the aggressive legal representation victims need in the following types of cases:

  • Dog bites that occur in stores, restaurants, or other public places; 
  • Attacks that occur in local parks or on beaches; 
  • Dog bite injuries due to dogs running wild in neighborhoods or apartment complexes; 
  • Dog bites that happen when visiting another person’s property.


How Serious Are Dog Bite Injuries? 

While dogs have a well-earned reputation for being trusted companions and for providing a sense of comfort, the fact is they are still animals capable of causing very serious harm. According to the California Department of Health (CDPH), dog bites impact more than five million people across the country each year. Considering the large number of dog owners in Huntington Beach, residents here are at an increased risk.  At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, we know first hand how severe these injuries can be and the impacts they can have on your general health and well-being. Common types of injuries suffered by clients in cases our Huntington Beach dog bite attorneys handle include:

  • Deep cuts and puncture wounds caused by the dog’s teeth or claws; 
  • Torn muscles, tendons, or other soft tissues due to the force of an attack; 
  • Broken bones and muscle strains due to attempts to fight the dog off; 
  • Loss of limbs or other body parts and disfiguring facial injuries; 
  • Disease due to bacteria in the dog’s saliva, such as rabies, salmonella, tetanus, and other dangerous infections.

In addition to potentially life-threatening diseases, dog bites and attacks can cause lasting trauma for victims. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is common and can result in anxiety, depression, increased sense of isolation, headaches, and sleep disorders.

Can I File A Lawsuit Against The Owner When A Dog Bites or Attacks? 

When you suffer serious injuries due to dog bites in Huntington Beach, you may be able to hold the dog’s owner accountable. Some states require that a dog show previous aggressive tendencies or a history of biting in the past prior to being able to file a claim. This is known as the ‘one free bite’ rule. In our area, these types of laws are not in place.  Under Section 3342 of the California Code, a dog owner can be held responsible for injuries others suffer as a result of dog bites or attacks, regardless of whether there were any prior warnings or incidents. You may be able to seek compensation either through a claim against the dog owner’s property insurance or by filing a personal injury lawsuit against them.

How Can A Dog Bite Attorney Help Me

As experienced Huntington Beach dog bite attorneys, Harris Personal Injury Lawyers is dedicated to helping you get the compensation you are entitled to for injuries you suffer. Actions our legal team can take on your behalf include:

  • Investigating the circumstances surrounding your dog bite injuries; 
  • Identifying and locating the dog owner; 
  • Obtaining police reports, statements from witnesses, and gathering other evidence at the scene; 
  • Obtaining medical records and statements from your doctor regarding the severity of your injuries and your prognosis for recovery; 
  • Aggressively negotiating with insurance company representatives, to ensure you get the maximum amount you are entitled to in your claim.  
  • Taking your case to court and filing a dog bite lawsuit, in the event insurance is unavailable or a reasonable settlement cannot be reached.


Contact 1-800-GO-HARRIS And Request A Free Consultation 

Dog bite injuries can have lasting impacts on every area of your life. Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, LLC. helps you get the compensation you are entitled to.  Call 1-800-GO-HARRIS or contact our Huntington Beach dog bite attorneys online and request a free consultation today.