Woodland Hills Pedestrian Accident Attorneys

Pedestrian accidents in Woodland Hills happen on a regular basis and can cause innocent victims a devastating amount of harm. The faster the car traveled at the time, the greater the potential for life-threatening personal injuries, but even a less severe pedestrian accident can still impact your health and financial security for years to come. At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc., we help you get the compensation you need to recover.  

Our Woodland Hills pedestrian accident attorneys have decades of experience representing victims and their families. We offer caring support and trusted legal representation in filing a claim, with top case results showing settlements and jury awards worth millions of dollars. Our office is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Call 1-800-GO-HARRIS today and request a free consultation.   

Our Woodland Hills Pedestrian Accident Attorneys Help You Recover From Serious Personal Injuries 

Whether walking on residential streets, visiting the busy Warner Center on business, or enjoying the many eateries and music venues on Ventura Boulevard, prioritize safety. Pedestrian accidents in Woodland Hills pose serious risks and can cause devastating harm.  

Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc. helps injured victims and their loved ones get the compensation they need to recover. Our experienced Woodland Hills pedestrian accident attorneys provide the comprehensive legal service you need in filing a claim. We can investigate your case, gather evidence to show how your injuries happened, and hold the at-fault driver accountable for their reckless behavior. Common pedestrian injuries suffered by clients in cases we represent include:  

  • Severe cuts, lacerations, and bruising; 
  • Sprains or torn muscles, tendons, and other soft tissues; 
  • Bone fractures, often impacting multiple body parts; 
  • Crushing injuries, causing internal bleeding; 
  • Traumatic brain injuries due to concussions or any blow to the head; 
  • Spinal cord injuries that result in permanent impacts on your health and mobility.  

How Do Woodland Hills Pedestrian Accidents Happen? 

According to the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS), nearly 6,000 pedestrian accidents in Los Angeles County happen yearly. Local traffic throughout the San Fernando Valley and the amount of visitors in our area increases the risks for Woodland Hills residents.  

When pedestrian accidents in Woodland Hills happen, they are often caused by the negligent behavior of drivers involved. This means they either took reckless actions that put you at risk or failed to take the proper precautions. Examples of negligence in Woodland Hills pedestrian accident claims include:  

  • Failing to yield to pedestrians at crosswalks; 
  • Failing to follow posted speed limits; 
  • Not stopping for red lights and stop signs; 
  • Driving while distracted; 
  • Driving under the influence.  

If you or someone you love is injured due to the above or other causes, reach out to Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc. Our Woodland Hills pedestrian accident attorneys can take the legal actions needed to hold the at-fault driver accountable for their behavior and the costs you incur as a result.  

How Can I Get Compensation For Woodland Hills Pedestrian Accident Injuries? 

Reckless driving is the most common cause of pedestrian accident injuries in Woodland Hills. Victims and their families have the legal right to hold the at-fault motorists liable for their costs. You may be entitled to compensation through auto liability insurance policies they have in place.  

Our Woodland Hills pedestrian accident attorneys have extensive experience dealing with insurance companies. We aggressively negotiate to get you the maximum in a settlement. Suppose your injuries are severe, or insurance is not an option. In that case, Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc. will not hesitate to take your case to court. Compensation you may be entitled to under the California Civil Code includes:  

  • Payment of your current and future medical expenses; 
  • Reimbursement of lost wages during your recovery; 
  • Payment for potential future lost income in the event of long-term disabilities; 
  • Additional amounts for pain, suffering, and other intangible losses. 

What If I Am Injured In A Hit and Run Pedestrian Accident In Woodland Hills?  

Unfortunately, hit-and-run pedestrian accidents in Woodland Hills are common. Drivers either panic or purposely flee to avoid liability. Our legal team can take swift action in identifying them so they can be held accountable. This includes:  

  • Revisiting the accident scene to gather additional information; 
  • Obtaining footage from surveillance cameras in the area; 
  • Reviewing police reports and statements from eyewitnesses; 
  • Soliciting tips from the community, including local auto repair shops.  

Call 1-800-GO-HARRIS Today And Request a Free Consultation  

If you or someone you love is injured in a pedestrian accident in Woodland Hills, get the caring support and trusted legal representation you need at Harris Personal Injury Lawyers. We work on a contingency basis, so there are no upfront costs. To discuss how we can help you get compensation in a claim, call 1-800-GO-HARRIS or contact our Woodland Hills pedestrian accident attorneys online and request a free consultation today.