Woodland Hills Truck Accident Attorneys

Truck accidents in Woodland Hills are common and can leave local drivers suffering potentially life-threatening personal injuries. While there may be multiple contributing factors involved, negligence on the part of the truck driver or the company they work for is often ultimately responsible. Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc. holds them accountable and helps you get compensation.  

With decades of combined experience on our side, our Woodland Hills truck accident attorneys provide the trusted legal guidance and fierce representation you need to file a claim. We fight to get you the maximum needed to cover your losses, with top case results totaling millions. Available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, call 1-800-GO-HARRIS and request a free consultation today.   

Our Woodland Hills Truck Accident Attorneys Protect Victims And Their Loved Ones 

The 101 is one of the state's most heavily traveled commercial routes and provides access throughout San Fernando Valley. The point at which it intersects with Topanga Canyon Boulevard in Woodland Hills is often heavily congested and a frequent site of crashes. 

Caltrans is continually making updates to improve traffic flow and driver safety, such as the recent installation of concrete median barriers. However, truck accidents in Woodland Hills continue to be common and often leave motorists suffering severe personal injuries.  

At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, we protect victims and their loved ones in the aftermath. Our Woodland Hills truck accident attorneys act as a strong ally on your side in dealing with the trucking company and insurers, helping you get compensation. Cases we represent include:  

  • Truck jackknife accidents, in which the trailer swings out into opposing lanes, often when a trucker slams on the brakes; 
  • Truck rollover accidents, caused by shifting loads and going too fast around curves; 
  • Truck rear-end accidents, which are common in heavy traffic conditions;
  • Truck side-swipe accidents, which can happen during passing; 
  • Truck t-bone accidents, which occur regularly at intersections; 
  • Truck head-on accidents, common at freeway exits or entrances and on one-way streets in our area.  

Who Is To Blame When A Woodland Hills Truck Accident Happens?  

If you or someone you love is injured in a Woodland Hills truck accident, contact Harris Personal Injury Lawyers. Our experienced Woodland Hills truck accident attorneys can investigate your case and determine who is to blame.  

In some cases, failure to follow federal safety rules and regulations is the underlying cause. An October 2022 fatal truck accident in Woodland Hills is a tragic example. It happened when a motorist slammed into the back of a truck on the 101 and slid more than halfway underneath, crushing the driver. The trucking company or leasing agent may be liable for failure to install the required underride prevention bars. Others who may be to blame when truck accidents in Los Angeles County happen include:  

  • The truck driver or nearby motorists involved for engaging in speeding, tailgating, and other reckless driving behavior; 
  • Truck manufacturers and distributors, who can be held liable for dangerous and defective parts; 
  • Trucking company owners, managers, mechanics, and other employees, for lack of maintenance, improper loading practices, overscheduling, and other actions or inactions that put motorists at risk.  

How Can I Get Compensation For Woodland Hills Truck Accident Injuries?  

When a truck accident in Woodland Hills happens, you have the right to seek compensation for any harm you suffered. However, trucking companies typically have teams of attorneys defending them and their drivers against claims. Get our legal team at Harris Personal Injury Lawyers on your side to protect yourself.  

Our experienced Woodland Hills truck accident attorneys will review your case and advise you on the options available. You can count on us to aggressively negotiate with the trucking company and insurance representatives to get the maximum settlement. If your claim is disputed or multiple parties are at fault, we can represent you in filing a truck accident lawsuit through the Los Angeles County Civil Court. Compensation available includes:  

  • Payment of all current and future medical costs associated with your injuries; 
  • Reimbursement for current lost wages and any projected future lost income and benefits; 
  • Additional amounts for your pain and suffering, as well as for scarring, disfigurement, and lost enjoyment in life; 
  • Exemplary or punitive damages, which we can push for in cases involving gross negligence.  

Call 1-800-GO-HARRIS And Request A Free Consultation Today 

Woodland Hills truck accidents can result in devastating injuries. Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc. helps victims and their loved ones get the compensation they are entitled to. Our legal team represents clients in these cases on a contingency basis. You pay no upfront costs or out-of-pocket attorney fees. Call 1-800-GO-HARRIS or contact our Woodland Hills truck accident attorneys online and request a free consultation today.