Woodland Hills Slip And Fall Attorneys

Slip and fall accidents in Woodland Hills are nothing to downplay. They can result in personal injuries that impact your health and mobility for years into the future. You have the right to hold the property owner responsible when you are injured due to negligent conditions in stores, restaurants, or other public places. Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc. provides the experienced, trusted legal representation you need in filing an injury claim. 

Our Sun Valley slip and fall attorneys have spent decades serving clients in our local community. While you focus on yourself and the healing process, we take the legal actions needed to get you compensation. Top case results show settlements and jury awards totaling millions. To discuss your options, call 1-800-GO-HARRIS and request a free consultation today.  

Our Woodland Hills Slip And Fall Attorneys Get You Compensation For Your Injuries 

If you are involved in a slip and fall accident at a public place, you may feel embarrassed and attempt to brush the incident off to avoid calling further attention to yourself. However, be aware that even a seemingly minor fall can cause serious harm, impacting your health and resulting in significant out-of-pocket costs.  

According to the California Department of Public Health (CDPH), falls are the leading cause of personal injuries in Los Angeles County. They send nearly 200,000 residents to hospital emergency rooms each year. Common types of potentially serious injuries that can occur due to slip and fall accidents in Woodland Hills include:  

  • Broken ankles, hips, wrists, or other fractures; 
  • Bulging and herniated discs in your back or neck and fractured vertebrae; 
  • Bumps and blows resulting in extensive bruising, causing damage to underlying nerves and tissues; 
  • Head injuries, in which any type of harm can impact the brain; 
  • Injuries to soft tissues, such as sprained or torn muscles and tendons; 
  • Injuries involving the spinal cord or column, resulting in permanent disabilities.  

At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, we understand the serious impact these injuries can have on your life. Our Woodland Hills slip and fall accident attorneys help you get the compensation you need to recover in a claim.  

Are Property Owners Legally Responsible For Slip and Fall Accidents In Woodland Hills?  

Slips and falls can occur at parties or other events in people's homes. They can also happen while shopping at local stores, dining out at restaurants, attending doctor appointments, or visiting Warner Center and other attractions in our area. Reckless, negligent behavior on the part of the property owner is often to blame.   

Property owners are required by law to maintain the premises and must warn visitors of potentially dangerous conditions. When they fail to do so, Harris Personal Injury Lawyers helps you hold them responsible for injuries you suffer as a result. Examples of negligence in cases our Woodland Hills slip and fall attorneys handle include:  

  • Wet, slick floors; 
  • Lack of non-slip mats at entrances; 
  • Torn carpeting and damaged tile; 
  • Uneven floor surfaces; 
  • Excessive clutter and other trip hazards; 
  • Low lighting; 
  • Lack of handrails on stairs; 
  • Failure to maintain walkways and landscaping in outdoor areas.  

How Do I File A Woodland Hills Slip and Fall Accident Claim?  

Property owners generally have insurance policies to help offset expenses suffered due to slip-and-fall accidents in Woodland Hills. At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, we are fierce negotiators and can intervene with the insurance company on your behalf. While you focus on yourself and your family, you can count on our legal team to resolve your case as quickly as possible and obtain you the best possible settlement.  

If the property owner is uninsured or attempts to dispute your claim, the best course of action may be to take them to court. Our Woodland Hills slip and fall accident attorneys provide the professional legal representation you need throughout the process. Compensation you may be entitled to under the California Civil Code includes:  

  • Payment of all current and future medical costs associated with your injuries; 
  • Reimbursement for the lost income you suffer during recovery; 
  • Compensation for any projected future lost earnings and benefits that are likely to result from your injuries; 
  • Additional amounts compensating you for pain, suffering, mental anguish, and lost enjoyment in life.  

To Request A Free Consultation, Call 1-800-GO-HARRIS  

When slip and fall accidents happen in Woodland Hills, you have the right to seek compensation. Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc. provides the experienced, trusted legal representation you need throughout the process of filing a claim. When representing clients in these cases, we generally work on a contingency basis. You pay no upfront costs or out-of-pocket attorney fees. For trusted legal guidance, call 1-800-GO-HARRIS today or contact our Woodland Hills slip and fall accident attorneys online and request a free consultation.