What Should I Bring to My First Meeting with a Personal Injury Lawyer?

Meeting with an attorney to discuss your personal injury case can provide much-needed clarity during the challenging days that invariably follow a serious wreck. While you could pitch up empty-handed and still benefit immensely from this one-on-one consultation, it often pays to be prepared.  

Taking time to gather a few items to bring to your case review could help you get the most out of this opportunity. In this article, we look at some of the types of evidence you may want to share: 

Dashcam or Surveillance Camera Video Files 

Advanced technology is more affordable than ever, and it’s motorists who are reaping the rewards in the form of high-tech dashcams. These small devices are always running while you’re on the road, so if you were involved in an accident, this footage could play a valuable role in proving liability.  

Even if your vehicle isn’t equipped with one, another motorist may have captured a video of the moment of impact. Alternatively, if there were any surveillance cameras near the accident scene, these devices may also have captured useful footage that could help support your claim. If you have such videos in your possession, you should share them with your attorney during the initial consultation. 

Eyewitness Contact Details 

If an accident happened in a busy area, there’s a high chance someone saw what happened. Eyewitnesses can often help corroborate your version of events, so your attorney may want to interview them to determine whether their deposition could benefit your case. You should take down the names and contact details of any onlookers and share this information with your lawyer. 

Financial Documents 

Whether you have been collecting paystubs to track lost wages or compiled invoices for your medical expenses and repair costs, you should make copies of such documents to share with your lawyer. In a personal injury case, you will only be able to recover compensation for losses you can demonstrate, so these documents may play a crucial role in helping you secure a fair settlement.  

Personal Injury Journal Entries 

Keeping track of your recovery in a personal injury journal could be important to your case. For instance, tracking your pain levels may help your attorney build a case for non-economic damages such as pain and suffering. Alternatively, detailed logs of the ways in which your injuries limit you could help demonstrate losses such as lost income, loss of enjoyment in life, and replacement services. Your attorney can guide you on the types of information you should include in your journal. 

Speak to a California Personal Injury Attorney Today 

Whether you were injured on the road or on someone else’s property, you may be able to recover compensation for your medical expenses, lost income, and other losses by filing a claim. At HPIL, our personal injury attorneys have decades of combined experience representing accident victims throughout the state. Dial 1-800-GO-HARRIS or head over to our contact form HERE to request a free case assessment.