West Hollywood Dog Bite Attorneys

Dogs owners who fail to follow local leash laws or otherwise control their pets pose major risks to residents of our community. Dog bites in West Hollywood are unfortunately common and can cause devastating personal injuries. At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc., we protect the rights of dog bite victims and hold owners accountable for losses you suffer.   

Our West Hollywood dog bite attorneys provide the fierce, professional legal representation you need in filing a claim. With decades of combined experience helping clients, our top case results show jury awards and settlements totaling millions. To request a free consultation, call 1-800-GO-HARRIS today.  

Our West Hollywood Dog Bite Attorneys Help You Get Compensation For Your Injuries 

WeHo is known for being pet-friendly. The Visit West Hollywood website lists restaurants, shops, and hotels that welcome dogs, and it is common to see them in public parks and other places throughout the community.  

However, the City of West Hollywood has strict leashing requirements, and dog owners must keep their pets under control at all times. When they fail to do so, it poses serious risks to others. Dog bites in West Hollywood can cause serious, potentially life-threatening personal injuries.  

Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc. represents injured victims. Our West Hollywood dog bite attorneys help you get the compensation you need to recover. Common dog bite injuries suffered by clients include:  

  • Puncture wounds: During an attack, the dog’s teeth can penetrate deep into the skin, damaging underlying muscles and tendons. 
  • Lacerations and abrasions: Cuts and scratches can cause scarring and dangerous infections. 
  • Broken bones and dislocated: With larger dogs, an attack can cause multiple fractures and joint dislocations impacting the shoulders, hips, or knees.  
  • Back and neck injuries: Getting knocked over by a dog can cause herniated discs and other potentially disabling back and neck problems.  
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD): Dog bite victims often suffer symptoms of PTSD for years after an attack, impacting their mental health and preventing them from enjoying their usual hobbies and activities.  

Can Dog Owners Be Held Liable For Dog Bite Injuries In West Hollywood? 

Dog owners have a legal obligation to control their pets. Under the California Civil Code, they can be held liable for dog bite injuries in West Hollywood that happen as a result of the following:  

  • Failing to leash their dog in public places; 
  • Failing to prevent their dog from posing hazards to others; 
  • Failing to keep them adequately restrained on their property; 
  • Failing to post warning signs or take other steps to protect visitors.  

Unlike some other states, which follow a ‘one free bite’ rule, dog owners can be held accoutable for personal injuries that happen, regardless of whether the dog showed any aggressive tendencies in the past. At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, our West Hollywood dog bite attorneys provide the experienced, professional representation you need in filing a claim.  

How Do I Get Compensation For Dog Bites In West Hollywood? 

If you are the victim of a dog bite in West Hollywood, report the incident to the police. Provide a description of the dog and its owner, get contact information for any witnesses, and seek medical care immediately.  

In the aftermath, contact Harris Personal Injury Lawyers for help filing a claim. The dog owner may have property insurance that can help offset your losses. While you focus on yourself and your recovery, our legal team aggressively negotiates with the insurance representatives involved. If the dog owner is uninsured or their policy fails to cover your costs, our West Hollywood dog bite attorneys will not hesitate to take your case to court.  

How Much Is A West Hollywood Dog Bite Claim Worth?

The amount you are entitled to in a West Hollywood dog bite claim varies based on your injuries and the circumstances involved. However, common types of compensation in a dog bite lawsuit filed through the Los Angeles County Civil Court include:  

  • Economic damages, covering current and future medical expenses, lost wages, future lost earnings or benefits, and other tangible costs.  
  • Non-economic damages, covering intangible losses, including pain, suffering, scarring, disfigurement, and lost enjoyment in life.  
  • Exemplary damages, an additional amount punishing the dog owner for actions or inactions on their part that were particularly willful and negligent.  

Call 1-800-GO-HARRIS Today To Request A Free Consultation 

When dog bite injuries in West Hollywood happen, Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc. helps victims get the compensation they need to recover. In representing clients in these claims, our legal team typically works on a contingency basis. You pay no upfront costs or out-of-pocket attorney fees. Available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, call 1-800-GO-HARRIS or contact our West Hollywood dog bite attorneys online to request a free consultation today.