West Hollywood Truck Accident Attorneys

Truck accidents in West Hollywood endanger motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians on local roads. Injuries suffered in these crashes and collisions often prove devastating. When negligence on the part of the truck driver or the trucking company is responsible, Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc. helps victims and their families get compensation.  

Our West Hollywood truck accident attorneys are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to answer your call and have been providing trusted legal guidance to our community for decades. We take the legal actions needed to hold those at fault accountable, with top case results totaling millions in jury awards and settlements. To request a free consultation, call 1-800-GO-HARRIS today.   

Our West Hollywood Truck Accident Attorneys Protect Your Rights In Filing A Claim  

According to the California Highway Patrol, nearly 2,000 truck accidents in Los Angeles County happen each year. Truck drivers often rely on Santa Monica Boulevard as a direct route to and from the city, making truck accidents in West Hollywood more likely to occur. 

When they happen and cause you or someone you love serious injuries, Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc. protects your rights in filing a claim. Cases our West Hollywood truck accident attorneys handle include:  

  • Turning truck accidents due to swinging too wide on right turns;  
  • T-bone truck accidents, which are common in intersections;  
  • Rollover truck accidents, which can happen due to going too fast for conditions or making tight turns in parking lots and on local roads; 
  • Jackknife truck accidents, due to truckers slamming on the brakes, causing the trailer to swing up alongside and impacting motorists in other lanes; 
  • Underride truck accidents, in which failure to install safety bars can cause smaller vehicles to get trapped underneath the truck;  
  • Head-on truck accidents, common on one-way roads in our area.   

What Are Common Causes Of Truck Accident Injuries In West Hollywood?  

Semi-trucks, construction trucks, and trucks used in making local deliveries easily outsize other vehicles on the road. This large size typically protects the truck driver when a truck accident in West Hollywood happens. It is generally other motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians involved who suffer the most severe injuries.  

The National Safety Council reports that close to 500 people lose their lives in truck accidents in California each year. These crashes typically happen due to negligence on the part of the driver or the trucking company involved. Among the most common causes include:  

  • Aggressive driving, such as speeding, tailgating other motorists, and improper passing; 
  • Distracted driving and driving under the influence; 
  • Drowsy driving, a serious problem in the trucking industry; 
  • Mechanical failures due to failure to provide proper truck maintenance; 
  • Improper loading practices, in which shifting loads increase the risks of a crash; 
  • Failure to properly train drivers, monitor their behavior, or restrict driving privileges due to excessive traffic infractions.  

At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, we can thoroughly investigate your case to determine what happened and who is liable. While you focus on recovering from your injuries, our West Hollywood truck accident attorneys do what it takes to hold those at fault accountable.  

How Do I Get Compensation After A West Hollywood Truck Accident?  

You may be entitled to compensation for West Hollywood truck accident attorneys through insurance the trucker or their employer has in place. However, trucking companies have teams of attorneys to defend them against claims and fight to reduce payout amounts. To get the maximum compensation you need to recover, get our legal team at Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc. fighting on your behalf.  

Our West Hollywood truck accident attorneys have the extensive experience and legal expertise needed to successfully represent you in a claim. We aggressively negotiate with the trucking company and their insurers to get you the best possible settlement. If they dispute your claim or fail to provide the total amount you need to recover, we can take them to court. Under the California Civil Code, common types of compensation you may be entitled to in a West Hollywood truck accident lawsuit include:  

  • Economic damages, covering current and future medical expenses associated with your injuries, lost wages, property damages, and future lost income and benefits; 
  • Non-economic damages, compensation you for your pain, suffering, any scarring or disfigurement, and lost enjoyment in life caused by ongoing impairments; 
  • Exemplary damages, which we can push for in cases of gross negligence, penalizing those involved and preventing other truckers or trucking companies from engaging in similarly reckless behavior.  

Call 1-800-GO-HARRIS To Request A Free Consultation Today 

Truck accidents in West Hollywood can result in devastating personal injuries. At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc., we fight to get victims and their families the compensation they need to recover. Call 1-800-GO-HARRIS or contact our West Hollywood truck accident attorneys online to request a free consultation today.