West Hollywood Motorcycle Accident Attorneys

Motorcycles are popular and provide a fun way to get around the city. However, motorcycle accidents in West Hollywood pose significant risks and can leave victims suffering potentially catastrophic personal injuries. If you or someone you love is involved in a crash, contact Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc. We provide caring, comprehensive legal service, guiding you through the often complex process of filing a claim.    

Our experienced West Hollywood motorcycle accident attorneys hold at-fault drivers accountable and take the legal actions needed to get you compensation. Our top case results reveal settlements and jury awards totaling millions on behalf of clients. We are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. To schedule a free consultation, call 1-800-GO-HARRIS today.  

Cases Our West Hollywood Motorcycle Accident Attorneys Handle 

The California Office Of Traffic Safety (OTS) reports as many as 35 motorcycle accidents in West Hollywood happen yearly, averaging nearly three per month. WeHo consistently holds the number one spot in terms of the high number of motorcycle crashes, compared to other similarly sized cities throughout the state.  

At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, we protect the rights of injured victims, serving as a strong legal ally in filing a claim. Cases our West Hollywood motorcycle accident attorneys handle include:  

  • Rear-end motorcycle accidents, common in heavy traffic and when making sudden stops; 
  • Left-turn motorcycle accidents, due to failure on the part of motorists in yielding right of way; 
  • Lane-changing motorcycle accidents, which can happen due to improper passing; 
  • Intersection motorcycle accidents, which can occur when drivers do not stop for traffic signals; 
  • Lane-splitting motorcycle accidents, often due to aggressive behavior on the part of motorists; 
  • Drunk or distracted driving motorcycle accidents, which are both unfortunately common problems in our area; 
  • Any motorcycle accident in West Hollywood caused by the reckless behavior of drivers, hazardous road surfaces, or defects in the bike or its parts.   

How Do I Get Compensation For West Hollywood Motorcycle Accident Injuries?  

While the open nature of a motorcycle is appealing to most riders, it provides little in the way of protection. When motorcycle accidents in West Hollywood happen, injuries suffered have the potential to be severe.  

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), motorcyclists represent nearly 20 percent of all traffic fatalities. Even a relatively minor collision is capable of causing motorcyclists serious harm. Common types of motorcycle accident injuries in West Hollywood include:  

  • Road rash, which can happen in any crash; 
  • Severe cuts and lacerations, resulting in loss of limbs and permanent scarring or disfigurement; 
  • Broken bones, often involving multiple and severe fractures; 
  • Crushing injuries, resulting in damage to body organs or systems; 
  • Traumatic brain injuries, capable of causing physical, emotional, and cognitive impairments;
  • Spinal cord injuries, which can have life-altering consequences and may cause partial or complete paralysis.  

Contact our West Hollywood motorcycle accident attorneys if you or someone you love suffers these or other types of injuries. At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc., we fight to get you the compensation you need to recover, either through an insurance claim or by filing a motorcycle accident lawsuit.  

How Can A West Hollywood Motorcycle Accident Attorney Help Me? 

Motorcycle accidents are among the most complex claims, as multiple parties may be at fault. Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc. takes legal action to help you get compensation. Our legal team can investigate your case, gathering evidence needed to prove who was at fault. While you focus on recovering from your injuries, we aggressively deal with insurers on your behalf.  

If insurance is not an option or fails to cover your costs, we can take your case to court. Our experienced West Hollywood motorcycle accident attorneys have a track record of success in getting clients the maximum amount in either a settlement or jury award. Compensation available under the California Civil Code includes:   

  • Payment of current and future medical costs, including diagnostic testing, treatment, rehabilitation, and medical devices, such as crutches or wheelchairs; 
  • Payment for lost wages and  future lost earnings or benefits in the event of long-term disabilities; 
  • Additional amounts for pain, suffering, scarring, disfigurement, and lost enjoyment in life; 
  • Exemplary or punitive damages, punishing the at-fault driver for gross negligence.  

Injured in a hit-and-run motorcycle accident in West Hollywood? Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc. works with police to identify the suspect and hold them accountable. As we typically handle cases on a contingency basis, there are no upfront costs or out-of-pocket attorney fees. 

To Request A Free Consultation, Call 1-800-GO-HARRIS Today 

When motorcycle accidents in West Hollywood happen, Harris Personal Injury Lawyers provide the caring, comprehensive legal representation you need to get compensation. To request a consultation, call 1-800-GO-HARRIS or contact our West Hollywood motorcycle accident attorneys online today.