West Hollywood Slip and Fall Attorneys

Slip and fall accidents in West Hollywood are no laughing matter. Personal injuries that result can be debilitating. When negligence on the part of property owners, managers, or employees is to blame, you have the right to hold them liable for your medical bills, lost income, and other costs. Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc. provides the caring, professional legal representation you need in filing a claim.   

We are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. As experienced West Hollywood slip and fall attorneys, we take the legal actions needed to get you compensation. Our top case results show our success in obtaining jury awards and settlements totaling millions on behalf of clients. Call 1-800-GO-HARRIS and request a free consultation today. 

Our West Hollywood Slip And Fall Attorneys Help You Get Compensation 

Slips and falls often happen in public places, much to the embarrassment of victims. While you may be inclined to blame yourself and brush off or downplay the incident, negligence on the part of the property owner is likely to blame and injuries you suffer can be severe.  

According to the California Department of Public Health (CDPH), slips and falls in Los Angeles send over 30,000 people to hospital emergency rooms each year. They are the most common type of accident and the second most common cause of accidental injury death, claiming the lives of more than 500 victims.  

If you or someone you love gets hurt in a slip or fall, notify the police or the property owner, seek medical attention, and contact Harris Personal Injury Lawyers immediately. Our West Hollywood slip and fall attorneys help you get compensation. Common causes of fall injuries in cases we handle include:  

  • Wet, slippery floors due to spills or condensation; 
  • Torn carpeting, loose tiles, and other damaged flooring materials; 
  • Excess clutter in aisles and walkways; 
  • Lack of proper lighting; 
  • Uneven sidewalks and lack of outdoor landscaping; 
  • Failure to install handrails on stairs or guardrails at heights.  

What Are Common Slip and Fall Injuries In West Hollywood? 

Cedars-Sinai Medical Center states that while older adults are most at risk, a slip and fall accident in West Hollywood can happen at any age. Falls may occur while dining out in popular restaurants on Santa Monica Boulevard, visiting nightclubs along the Sunset Strip, walking in local neighborhoods, or shopping at Melrose Avenue boutiques.  

Even a seemingly minor fall can cause serious personal injuries. While you focus on yourself and your recovery, Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc. takes the legal actions needed to get you compensation. Common types of injuries suffered by clients in cases our West Hollywood slip and fall accident attorneys handle include:  

  • Sprained, strained, or torn muscles and tendons; 
  • Severe cuts and bruising, capable of causing scarring and nerve damage; 
  • Broken bones, such as fractured hips, ankles, or wrists; 
  • Dislocations in knees, shoulders, or other joints; 
  • Herniated discs, damaged vertebrae, and other back or neck injuries; 
  • Concussions and traumatic brain injuries.  

What Are My Rights Filing A West Hollywood Slip and Fall Accident Claim? 

Under the California Civil Code, property owners have a legal obligation to provide routine maintenance and to warn invited guests, visitors, and property residents of apparent hazards. If a slip and fall accident in West Hollywood happens due to their neglect, you have the right to hold them accountable in a claim.  

Property insurance policies they have in place can help cover your costs. At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, our legal team acts as a strong legal ally on your side throughout the claims process, aggressively negotiating with insurers to get you the maximum settlement. If the property owner disputes what happened or fails to have enough insurance coverage, our West Hollywood slip and fall attorneys can take them to court. Compensation you may be entitled to in a slip and fall lawsuit in Los Angeles includes:  

  • Medical costs, including diagnostic testing, treatment, medications, and physical therapy; 
  • Lost income during recovery and future lost earnings and benefits due to lingering impairments; 
  • Payment for pain, suffering, and lost enjoyment in life due to your injuries; 
  • Additional amounts punishing the property owner for actions or inactions considered particularly willful and negligent.  

Call 1-800-GO-HARRIS And Request A Free Consultation   

Do not downplay slip and fall accidents in West Hollywood. They can cause serious personal injuries that impact your health and well-being for years to come. Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc. provides the caring, professional legal representation needed to get compensation in a claim.  

We typically handle slip and fall cases on a contingency basis, so you pay no upfront costs or out-of-pocket attorney fees. To get the total amount you need to recover, call 1-800-GO-HARRIS or contact our West Hollywood slip and fall accident attorneys online and request a free consultation today.