Claremont Brain Injury Attorneys

Claremont Brain Injury Attorneys

When bumps, blows, or jolts to the head happen as a result of accidents in Claremont, potentially serious brain injuries can occur as a result. These can cause serious impairments that impact your ability to work or engage in your usual hobbies and activities, both now and in the future. When these affect you or someone you love, Harris Personal Injury Lawyers helps you get the compensation you are entitled to in a claim. As experienced Claremont brain injury attorneys, we provide the trusted guidance and professional legal representation you need. Available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, our top case results show settlements and jury awards worth millions of dollars in brain injury cases. To find out how we can assist in your case, call 1-800-GO-HARRIS and request a free consultation today.

Cases Our Claremont Brain Injury Attorneys Represent

Serious brain injuries can occur as a result of seemingly minor bumps and jolts to the head. According to the California Department of Public Health (DPH), more than 50,000 people in Los Angeles County are diagnosed with brain injuries each year. When these happen to residents of Claremont, Harris Personal Injury Lawyers takes the legal actions needed to hold those at fault accountable. You can count on our Claremont brain injury attorneys to provide the professional legal representation you need. Cases we represent involving brain injuries include:

  • Car, truck, and motorcycle accidents;
  • Pedestrian and bicyclist accidents;
  • Accidents that occur on another's property, such as slips and falls;
  • Sports and recreational accidents;
  • Accidents caused by dangerous and defective products;
  • Any type of accident in which a brain injury occurs.

How Can You Tell If A Brain Injury Has Happened?

Symptoms of serious and potentially life-threatening brain injuries can take hours, days, even weeks to fully appear. The only way to tell if a brain injury happened is by undergoing the proper tests. At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, we urge you to visit your doctor or a hospital emergency room immediately any time a brain injury is suspected. In addition to jeopardizing your health, not doing so could jeopardize your rights in filing a claim. As experienced Claremont brain injury attorneys, we have seen first hand the serious impacts that can result from even seemingly minor brain injuries. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warns that signs to watch for include:

  • Dizziness or loss of consciousness in the immediate aftermath of an accident;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Difficulty remembering details of what happened;
  • Inability to walk or maintain balance;
  • Problems communicating or understanding what is being said;
  • Potentially debilitating headaches that may become chronic over time.

All of the above and other troubling symptoms can last for long periods of time after a brain injury. In some cases, permanent impairments can result. To protect yourself and your rights in seeking the compensation you need to recover, it is important to consult with our Claremont brain injury attorneys right away.

How Can I Get Compensation For Brain Injuries In Claremont?

Accidents do not just happen, They are generally due to the actions of others involved. Reckless behavior on the part of drivers, negligence on the part of property owners, failure of manufacturers to recall dangerous products or warn customers of potential dangers, and a lack of basic safety precautions at sports and recreational facilities are all common causes of brain injuries. When brain injuries happen to you or someone you love, those at fault can be held responsible in a claim. At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, our legal team can guide you in the options available. In some cases, insurance policies they have in place may cover a portion of your costs. Our Claremont brain injury attorneys can aggressively negotiate with insurance representatives on your behalf to ensure you get the maximum amount you are entitled to in any settlement. If insurance is not available or your brain injuries are severe, we will not hesitate to file a lawsuit against those involved. Under Section 3294 of the California Code, compensation you may be entitled to in this type of claim includes:

  • Coverage of current medical expenses and compensation for any future care or treatment costs you are likely to incur;
  • Reimbursement of lost wages and compensation for future losses in income due to ongoing disabilities;
  • Compensation for pain, suffering, and any loss of enjoyment in life your brain injuries cause;
  • Punitive damages, which is an additional amount designed to punish those at fault for particularly negligent behavior.

Call 1-800-GO-HARRIS To Request A Free Consultation Today

To get the compensation you need to recover from brain injuries, get Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, LLC. on your side. We generally represent clients on a contingency basis, meaning you pay no attorney fees unless we get money for you. Call 1-800-GO-HARRIS or contact our Claremont brain injury attorneys online to request a free consultation today.