Claremont Train Accident Attorneys

Claremont Train Accident Attorneys

Train service provides a convenient way to commute or run errands. It saves time sitting in traffic along with wear and tear on your own vehicle. At the same time, train accidents in Claremont are a serious concern and can happen in a variety of ways. When you or a loved one is injured as a result, Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc. provides the trusted legal guidance you need in filing a claim. As experienced Claremont train accident attorneys, you can count on us to protect your rights when dealing with train companies and their insurers.  Available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, our top case results show settlements and jury awards totaling millions of dollars. To ensure you get the compensation you need to recover, call 1-800-GO-HARRIS and request a free consultation today.

Cases Our Claremont Train Accident Attorneys Represent

According to surveys from the City of Claremont, more than 400 people a day rely on Metrolink service through our local train station. For service beyond Los Angeles County, you can easily connect with Foothills Gold Line and Amtrak trains. While train travel is considered relatively inexpensive and convenient, it is important to be aware of the risks. Train accidents in Claremont can happen for a variety of reasons and leave passengers suffering serious personal injuries. As experienced Claremont train accident attorneys, we help victims get the compensation they deserve. Common types of train accidents in cases Harris Personal Injury Lawyers represent include:

  • Major train crashes involving other trains, motorists, or collisions with stationary objects;
  • Train derailments and cases in which passenger cars jump the tracks;
  • Train accidents that happen while boarding or during your trip, such as getting thrown from your seat or getting struck by objects;
  • Train station accidents, such as slips and falls;
  • Train accidents involving pedestrians and bicyclists, which often result in fatal injuries.

What Are Common Causes of Train Accidents?

Many local residents remember the 2008 Los Angeles County Metrolink train accident, in which a passenger train collided head-on with a freight train. One of the worst train accidents to happen in the U.S., it killed 25 people and left more than 130 others with serious injuries, including several students from Claremont McKenna College. Investigations revealed distracted driving as a leading cause of the crash, stating that the engineer failed to heed track signals due to sending and receiving texts. Distracted driving and other reckless behaviors on the part of the train conductor or engineer, such as speeding or operating the train while under the influence, are among the most common contributing factors in Claremont train accidents. Other common causes include:

  • Drowsy driving, which mimics many of the same effects as driving under the influence, often happens due to over scheduling;
  • Errors on the part of signal maintainers, dispatchers, and other train company employees;
  • Improper loading of rail cars, which increases the risk of derailments;
  • Train and track maintenance issues, which makes train accidents more likely to happen.

When you or someone you love is involved in a train accident, it is important to contact Harris Personal Injury Lawyers right away. Our Claremont train accident attorneys can conduct a thorough investigation into your case to determine how it happened and who is to blame.

How Do I Get Compensation For Train Accident Injuries?

Even a relatively minor train accident or onboard mishap can leave you suffering serious personal injuries. Under Section 1714 of the California Code, you have the right to hold both the train company and its employees responsible for the damages you suffer as a result. At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, we can guide you in the options available. While you focus on your recovery, our Claremont train accident attorneys can aggressively negotiate with the train company’s insurers on your behalf with the goal of getting you the maximum amount in a settlement. If a settlement cannot be reached or the injuries suffered are severe, our legal team will not hesitate to file a lawsuit against those responsible. Compensation available in this type of claim includes:

  • Coverage of current medical costs and compensation for future expenses you may incur;
  • Reimbursement for lost wages and compensation for future losses in earnings due to short or long term disabilities;
  • Compensation for the pain and suffering your train accident caused, as well as any loss of enjoyment in life you experience due to your injuries;
  • Punitive damages, which is an additional amount that may be ordered if the train company acted in a particularly willful and negligent manner.

Call 1-800-GO-HARRIS To Request A Free Consultation Today

At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, we generally represent clients in train accident cases on a contingency basis. This means you pay no attorney fees unless we get compensation for you. Call 1-800-GO-HARRIS or contact our Claremont train accident attorneys online to request a free consultation today.