Claremont Dog Bite Attorneys

Claremont Dog Bite Attorneys

Considering our close proximity to the mountains, wandering wildlife is a serious concern for residents of Claremont. Bears and coyotes can pose a problem, but domesticated animals are generally the biggest threat. Dog bites happen on a regular basis and can leave victims with serious and potentially life threatening injuries. When these impact you or someone you love, Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc. helps you get the compensation you need to recover in a claim. As experienced Claremont dog bite attorneys, we hold negligent dog owners accountable. Our top case results show our success in obtaining settlements and jury awards worth hundreds of thousands on behalf of dog bite victims. Available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, call 1-800-GO-HARRIS and request a free consultation today.

Our Claremont Dog Bite Attorneys Provide The Professional Legal Representation You Need

Dogs have a well-earned reputation for being trusted companions and loyal protectors, but they can also cause serious harm when not properly attended to. Despite Claremont Municipal Code rules requiring dogs to be leashed and restrained at all times, dog owners frequently allow their pets to run wild or go unleashed in parks, neighborhoods, and other public places. As a result, dog bites and attacks in Claremont are a common occurrence. At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, we help dog bite victims get the compensation they are entitled to. Common types of injuries suffered by clients in cases our Claremont dog bite attorneys represent include:

  • Dog bites resulting in torn muscles or flesh;
  • Deep puncture wounds due to the dog’s teeth;
  • Serious lacerations caused by the dog’s claws, which can result in permanent scarring;
  • Soft tissue injuries suffered while fighting off an attack;
  • Potentially life-threatening infections due to bacteria in the dog’s saliva and diseases they may be carrying.

In addition to the physical trauma caused by dog bites, victims often suffer emotional trauma as well. Chronic headaches, generalized anxiety, sleep disturbances, an increased sense of isolation, and relieving the attack are all common and can have a serious impact on your health.

What Should I Do If A Bite Bite In Claremont Happens?

When dog bites or attacks in Claremont happen, it is important to notify the police immediately. Get a description of the dog as well as the dog’s owner if possible and get medical care right away. Not taking any of these steps could jeopardize your rights in filing a dog bite claim. Under the California Civil Code, dog owners have a duty of care in preventing their dogs from becoming a public hazard. This includes:

  • Keeping their dogs leashed at all times in public places;
  • Preventing them from running wild in housing complexes and neighborhoods;
  • Properly restraining them on their property;
  • Warning visitors that a potentially dangerous dog is on the premises.

When dog owners fail in any of the above duties, Harris Personal Injury Lawyers can help you hold them accountable. Our Claremont dog bite attorneys provide the professional legal representation you need in filing a claim for the medical expenses, lost wages, and other costs you incur as a result.

How Do I File A Dog Bite Claim?

At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, our legal team can guide you in the options available for seeking compensation for dog bite injuries. While you focus on your recovery, our Claremont dog bite attorneys will focus on identifying the dog’s owner and filing claims with any insurance companies involved. We aggressively negotiate on your behalf to ensure you get the maximum amount you are entitled to in any settlements. If insurance is not in place, our Claremont dog bite attorneys can help you file a lawsuit against the dog’s owner through the Los Angeles County Civil Court.  Compensation available in this type of claim includes:

  • Economic damages, which cover actual costs you incur due to a dog bite or attack in Claremont. This includes your current medical bills and lost wages, and as well any future expenses.
  • Non-economic damages, which cover intangible costs. This compensates you for any pain, suffering, and emotional trauma you experience, as well as loss of enjoyment in life due to scarring or long term disabilities.
  • Punitive damages, which is an additional amount the judge may order in your case. It is designed to punish the dog owner for particularly willful and negligent behavior.

To Request A Consultation, Call 1-800-GO-HARRIS Today

While injuries you suffer due to dog bites in Claremont can impact you for years into the future, you have only one chance to get compensation in a claim. To ensure you get the maximum amount you are entitled to, get Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, LLC. on your side. We generally represent clients in dog bite cases on a contingency basis. This means you pay no attorney fees unless we get money for you. To request a free consultation, call 1-800-GO-HARRIS or contact our Claremont dog bite attorneys online today.