Artesia Truck Accident Attorneys

Massive in scale, and often weighing 80,000 pounds or more, big rigs can cause serious damage when they collide with smaller vehicles. It’s no surprise that many victims suffer catastrophic injuries such as brain trauma, spinal injuries, and broken bones in crashes involving 18-wheelers. If you were hurt in a wreck, turn to our Artesia truck accident attorneys to discuss your options for seeking compensation. 

We can assist with all aspects of the claims process, from gathering evidence to prove liability, causation, and damages, to representing you throughout proceedings. Call us today at 1-800-GO-HARRIS to find out more. 

What Are Signs That I Have a Strong Truck Accident Claim? 

After suffering a serious injury in a wreck, it can be difficult to determine whether you have the building blocks of a convincing claim. Insurance adjusters are adept at exploiting gaps in evidence and other weaknesses to dispute liability, causation, and damages. 

At HPIL, we can help investigate the wreck, taking steps to gather the evidence you will need to prove fault and demonstrate your losses. Let’s take a look at a few signs that you might have a strong truck wreck case: 

  • There Were Eyewitnesses: If anyone else saw the collision happen, their deposition could help prove aspects of your case and corroborate your version of events. As such, if you are able to do so, you should take down the contact details of any eyewitnesses immediately after the accident.  
  • You Have Footage of the Accident: If your car was equipped with a dashcam and it recorded footage of the accident, you should download these files and store them in a safe place to share with your attorney. It’s also possible that nearby surveillance cameras captured video of the collision. You will have to request these videos as soon as possible, as they are routinely erased or overwritten. 
  • You Were Driving Responsibly: If you were breaking any laws in the moments before the wreck —perhaps you were making an illegal lane change, or texting on your phone—it may be much more difficult for you to recover compensation. If, however, you can show that you were sticking to the rules of the road, you will be less likely to encounter disputes. 
  • You Visited the Doctor Immediately: Not only can a prompt diagnosis prevent additional health complications, but scheduling a medical assessment as soon as possible after the wreck can also help minimize your chances of facing disputes. If you failed to seek medical treatment within a reasonable timeframe after the wreck, the insurer may assert that you suffered your injuries in a different incident as the date of your medical evaluation doesn’t line up with the day of the accident. 

Can I Use Social Media After a Truck Accident? 

When investigating a truck wreck claim, the insurer may monitor your online activity. They will be looking for any posts that could be used as evidence to challenge your credibility. From comments to reviews to pictures, a single post might be all it takes to reduce your settlement or even deny your claim. 

While it’s best to deactivate your social media profiles for the duration of proceedings, this may not be an option for you. Here are a few ways you can protect your claim next time you go online:  

  • Switch on the Strictest Privacy Settings: On each of your social media accounts, you should review your privacy settings to ensure that only approved connections can view what you post. While there are ways around these settings, securing your accounts will at least make it more difficult for the claims adjuster to monitor your online activity. 
  • Filter New Connection Requests: Once you’ve ramped up your privacy settings, you will be prompted to approve any new connection requests. While your claim is pending, you should be careful about confirming these requests absentmindedly. It’s possible that the next potential friend or follower is someone working for the insurer hoping to monitor your accounts. 
  • Do Not “Check In”: Broadcasting your whereabouts on Facebook will make it easy for the claims adjuster to track what you’re doing. If, for example, your “check ins” show you spending time at the gym, the claims adjuster could assert that you engaged in activities that exacerbated your condition and prolonged your recovery. 
  • Asks Friends and Family Not to Tag You in Their Posts: If the claims adjuster is unable to see your online activity, he or she may begin monitoring profiles belonging to others in your circles. As such, you may want to ask your loved ones to avoid tagging you in photos or mentioning you in posts until your case has concluded. 

Speak to a Truck Accident Attorney in Artesia Today 

Trucks can cause catastrophic injuries and considerable damage when they collide with smaller vehicles on the road. If you were hurt in a wreck involving a big rig or other type of commercial vehicle, turn to the legal team at Harris Personal Injury Lawyers.  

We have a track record of success, helping secure more than $300 million in settlements and verdicts for personal injury victims throughout California. Dial 1-800-GO-HARRIS or head over to our Online Contact Form to pencil in a free case assessment.