Carson Truck Accident Attorneys

Significantly larger than the average sedan, and weighing in at several tons, 18-wheelers can cause catastrophic injuries and untold property damage in a collision. If you were hurt in a wreck involving a truck, it’s likely that your expenses are adding up at a rapid rate. At HPIL, our Carson truck accident attorneys may be able to help you recover compensation for the damages you’ve incurred. 

Our legal team is available 24/7 to take your calls. If you are unable to visit our offices, we will come to you. Reach out to us today at 1-800-GO-HARRIS to find out more. 

What Steps Should I Take After an Accident?

Suffering a serious injury in an accident can affect your life in countless ways, hurting your ability to earn a living, affecting your relationships, and making it difficult to enjoy your hobbies and other activities. While it’s not easy to stay optimistic after this harrowing experience, it’s important that you take the right steps to help improve your chances of obtaining a financial award. 

The insurer will be looking for any reason to reduce or deny your claim, so you will need to be careful about avoiding certain mistakes that could cost you a fair settlement. Fortunately, our Carson truck accident attorneys can oversee the legal complexities of your case, giving you the mental space to focus on sidestepping any critical errors. 

Let’s take a look at a few steps you should always take after a wreck: 

  • Seek Medical Treatment: If you were able to get up after the accident, you may not think you need to visit the doctor. However, not only can many serious conditions present with minor or latent symptoms, skipping or delaying your medical assessment could also lead to disputes when you file your claim. As such, you should visit the doctor as soon as possible after the wreck. 
  • Write Down What You Can Remember: Within a few days after the accident, it’s likely you will start to forget important details about what happened. As such, you should take a moment immediately after the wreck to note down what you can remember. Your attorney may rely on this information to help guide their investigation and identify important evidence that could help prove liability and damages. 
  • Stay Off Social Media: After a serious wreck, it’s likely that your friends and family will be eager to find out what happened. While you may be tempted to shoot off a quick post on Facebook or Instagram recounting the harrowing moments of this traumatic event, your online activity could come back to haunt you. The insurer may be monitoring your social media accounts for any comments, reviews, or pictures that could be used as evidence to challenge your credibility. 

What Damages Are Typically Available in a Truck Accident Claim? 

While car accidents are commonplace, the consequences are anything but routine. If you suffered a serious injury, you could incur thousands of dollars in expenses over the course of your treatment. However, losses don’t start and end with your medical bills. Many victims are unable to work due to their injuries, losing a small fortune in lost earnings. 

At HPIL, we can assess your situation to determine which damages might be available to you as part of a personal injury claim. Let’s take a look at the three main categories of damages claimants can pursue in California: 

  • Tangible Losses: This category encompasses the expenses you’ve incurred as a direct result of your injuries. Examples of such losses include lost income, medical bills, repair costs, home and vehicle modifications, and replacement services. 
  • Intangible Losses: Not all the consequences of a serious injury are reflected in invoices, bills, and receipts. An accident can also leave behind psychological scars that can inhibit your ability to lead a normal life. In California, you have a right to seek compensation for non-economic damages such as pain and suffering, emotional distress, and loss of consortium. While these losses are difficult to quantify, a skilled personal injury attorney will have his or her own formulas for calculating fair compensation for such damages.  
  • Punitive Damages: Where the damages listed above are intended to compensate injury victims for their injuries and other losses, punitive damages exist solely as a punishment against the defendant to discourage others from engaging in similar negligent or reckless behavior. 

Discuss Your Case with a Truck Accident Attorney in Carson 

If you are planning to file a personal injury claim after a car accident, it’s likely that the trucking company and their insurer will commit considerable resources towards challenging your case. Fortunately, hiring an attorney can help level the playing field, giving you access to the tenacious representation and legal resources you might need to win your case. 

At HPIL, we have decades of collective experience representing truck accident victims throughout the state. Contact us today at 1-800-GO-HARRIS or tap through to our contact form HERE to request a free case review.