Gardena Dog Bite Attorneys

Even the friendliest dog has the potential to get aggressive. Dog owners have a legal duty to keep their furry friends leashed or otherwise under their control at all times. When they fail to do so, serious dog bites in Gardena can happen as a result. At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc., we help injured victims get the compensation they need to recover.  

With decades’ worth of experience on our side, our Gardena dog bite attorneys help you hold at-fault dog owners accountable. Our top case results show settlements and jury awards worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. If you are the victim of a dog bite or attack in Gardena, call 1-800-GO-HARRIS to request a free consultation today.   

Get Our Gardena Dog Bite Attorneys On Your Side 

There are strict laws under the City of Gardena Municipal Code when it comes to owning pets. Failing to follow these laws puts others at risk. At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, we represent clients who are injured due to dog bites and attacks.  Our Gardena dog bite attorneys act as a strong legal advocate on your side, helping you hold the dog’s owner responsible for medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages you suffer.   

You can count on us to protect your rights in filing a claim when dog bite injuries happen as a result of the owner’s negligence. Situations in which they can be held accountable include:  

  • Not keeping the dog properly secured on their property; 
  • Failing to warn invited guests and visitors that a potentially dangerous dog is on the premises; 
  • Failing to use a leash when out with their dog in neighborhoods, parks, or beaches; 
  • Not keeping the dog under control when visiting stores, restaurants, and other public places. 

What Are Common Types of Dog Bite Injuries In Gardena?  

According to the Department of Public Health, more than 20,000 people are victims of dog bites in Los Angeles County each year. Even a small dog has the potential to cause serious harm, resulting in injuries that impact your health now and for years to come.  

At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, we help you get the compensation you deserve. Common types of dog bite injuries suffered by clients in cases we represent include:  

  • Deep cuts and scratches due to the dog’s claws, which can cause scarring and infections; 
  • Puncture wounds due to the dog’s sharp teeth, resulting in damage to muscles, tendons, and internal organs; 
  • Crushing injuries and loss of limbs, due to the force of the dog’s jaws; 
  • Broken bones and back, neck, or head injuries, which can happen when attempting to fight the dog off.  

In addition to physical injuries, dog bites in Gardena can leave emotional scars. Flashbacks, sleep disorders, panic attacks, and a general fear of dogs or being in public places are all common in the aftermath.  

How Do I Get Compensation For Dog Bites In Gardena?  

Under the California Civil Code, dog owners can be held liable for damages that result from dog bites and attacks, regardless of whether the animal showed any aggressive tendencies in the past. If they are a homeowner or have renter’s insurance, you may be entitled to file a claim against their policy. At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, we can guide you through the process, negotiating with insurers on your behalf with the goal of getting you the maximum in any settlements.  

If the dog owner is uninsured or your injuries are severe, our Gardena dog bite attorneys can guide you in filing a lawsuit against them. Our legal team gathers evidence, schedules hearings, and makes effective legal arguments before the judge or jury in your case. Compensation you may be entitled to through a dog bite lawsuit includes:  

  • Economic damages, which cover your actual costs. This includes current medical expenses and lost wages, as well as future losses you are likely to incur.
  • Non-economic damages, which cover intangible costs. This includes pain, suffering, disfigurement, and  loss of enjoyment in life due to your injuries.
  • Punitive damages, which is an additional amount we can push for in cases where the dog owner was particularly willful and negligent. These can total double or triple other amounts awarded.  

Call 1-800-GO-HARRIS And Request A Free Consultation With Our Gardena Dog Bite Attorneys Today 

Dog bites in Gardena can cause devastating injuries, impacting you for years to come. Harris Personal Injury Lawyers helps you get the compensation you are entitled to in a claim. We are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week and generally represent dog bite victims on a contingency basis. This means you pay no attorney fees unless we get money for you. Call 1-800-GO-HARRIS or contact our Gardena dog bite attorneys online and request a free consultation today