San Juan Capistrano Train Accident Attorneys

San Juan Capistrano Train Accident Attorneys

If you’ve been involved in a train accident, you probably have questions: “Do I have a case? What damages can I recover? How do I go about seeking compensation? Should I hire a lawyer or go it alone?” Our injury attorneys know the answers and are here to help. Discuss your case with a member of our team by calling 1-800-GO-HARRIS today.

Who is Liable for a Train Accident?

It’s safe to say that in most situations, a train accident is the result of negligence: A vehicle and a train should not collide at a railroad crossing, a train should not run off its rails, and the engine should not explode. Nonetheless, these things do happen and when they do, their magnitude results in serious injuries and fatalities. Identifying an at-fault party in a California train wreck case is a fact-intensive inquiry. For instance, a switch failure may be the fault of the person who installed it, whereas a crossroads collision may be the train operator’s fault. Regardless of the circumstances, our train accident attorneys can uncover critical evidence showing who – or what – caused your accident. By identifying the responsible party, we can work toward pursuing damages. Examples of the liable parties in a California train accident include:

  • The business that owns and operates the train
  • The business that owns and operates the tracks
  • The business responsible for maintaining the train or tracks
  • The business that manufactured, distributed, or sold any defective train or track parts
  • Motorists or individuals trespassing on the tracks or railroad property
  • Train passengers
  • The conductor or operator

When you work with our attorneys, we will thoroughly investigate your case to determine the underlying cause of the wreck. Our train accident attorneys have discovered that some of the most common causes of collisions involve some combination of the following:

  • Distracted or impaired driving
  • Failure to keep a lookout or to check blind spots
  • Defective train parts
  • Mechanical failures
  • Hazardous conditions or deferred maintenance on the train tracks

Based on who – or what – caused your accident, we will craft a case that is tailored to recovering the compensation you need to get back on your feet financially, heal, and move forward.

Seeking Compensation for Your Injuries

It is extremely difficult to prove your case on your own. However, by working with an attorney experienced in handling the intricacies of liability in train accident cases, you will gain a partner and an advocate. Our team is trained, skilled, and well-positioned to gather, analyze, and present the strongest evidence in support of your case. At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, we will collect:

  • Your medical records, from doctors’ visit notes to diagnostic imaging
  • Photographs of your injuries and the accident scene
  • Your financial records, from pay stubs to tax returns
  • Receipts from any medical expenses you incurred, including travel expenses for your medical care, vehicle modifications made necessary by your injuries, and any home renovations that made your home more accessible post-injury
  • Expert testimony
  • Your notes about how the accident and your injuries have impacted your life

Discuss Your Claim with a Train Accident Lawyer in San Juan Capistrano

If you or a loved one have been injured in a train accident, it is vital to act quickly before the applicable statute of limitations tolls or vital evidence fades. As such, it is in your best interest to contact a lawyer sooner than later, no matter how minor your injuries seem. To discuss your case with a member of our team, call 1-800-GO-HARRIS or send us a message online to set up a free case assessment. If you cannot make it to our office for a case review, we will come to you. We look forward to your call.