San Miguel Dog Bite Attorneys

Dog owners often treat their pets like family members, relying on them for companionship, protection, and emotional support. However, even the friendliest dog can turn aggressive in certain situations. Bites or attacks that occur as a result can leave you or someone you love suffering serious harm. At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc., we help you hold the dog owner accountable and get the compensation you need to recover.  

As experienced San Miguel dog bite attorneys, you can count on us to provide the caring support and trusted legal guidance you need in filing a claim. Available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to answer your call, we have a proven track record of success in handling these cases. Top results show insurance settlements and jury awards totaling millions of dollars. Call 1-800-GO-HARRIS to request a free consultation today.  

Cases Our San Miguel Dog Bite Attorneys Represent  

Dogs are popular pets but pose a serious threat when not properly restrained. Under the County Municipal Code, dogs in San Miguel are required to be kept under control at all times. When dog owners fail to follow this law, serious personal injuries often result.  

At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, we help victims and their families get the compensation they are entitled to in a claim. Cases our San Miguel dog bite attorneys represent include:  

  • Dog bites and attacks in local parks or other public places due to failing to follow leash laws; 
  • Dog bites in stores or restaurants, due to a dog owner's failure to control their pet; 
  • Dog bites in local neighborhoods or apartment complexes, due to failure to keep the animal properly restrained on the owner's property; 
  • Dog bites due to not warning invited guests or visitors that a potentially dangerous dog is on the premises.   

What Are Common Types of Dog Bite Injuries In San Luis Obispo?  

In situations where they are hurt, frightened, or feeling threatened, any dog is prone to attack. According to the San Luis Obispo County Department of Animal Services, more than 400 dog bites are reported in our area each year. These can result in potentially severe personal injuries, impacting victims and their families for months or even years after. Among the most common include:  

  • Puncture wounds caused by the dog’s teeth, which can result in torn muscles, loss of limbs, and potentially life-threatening infections;
  • Deep cuts and scratches caused by the dog’s claws, resulting in scarring and disfigurement;
  • Broken bones and pulled muscles or tendons, suffered while trying to fight off an attack;
  • Crushing injuries due to the force of the dog’s jaws, resulting in permanent disfigurement and long-term disabilities.  

Victims may also suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder in the aftermath of an attack. This can cause anxiety, depression, sleep disorders, and other troubling symptoms. At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, we are here to help in these cases. While you focus on your recovery, our San Miguel dog bite attorneys focus on getting you compensation in a claim.  

How Do I File A Dog Bite Claim In San Miguel? 

Under Section 3342 of the California Civil Code, dog owners can be held liable for injuries you suffer due to dog bites in San Miguel. Unlike some other states, which have a ‘one free bite’ rule, this is true regardless of whether a dog ever bit anyone before or showed prior aggressive tendencies.  

In some cases, the dog owner may have insurance in place to help cover some of your costs.  

Our legal team at Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc. can guide you in the process of filing a claim.  As experienced San Miguel dog bite attorneys, we can negotiate with insurance companies involved, helping you get the maximum amount you are entitled to in a settlement.  

In cases where insurance is not available or fails to cover your costs, we can take the dog owner to court. Compensation you may be entitled to in a dog bite lawsuit in San Miguel includes:  

  • Coverage of current and future medical expenses; 
  • Reimbursement for lost wages and future lost earnings due to long-term disabilities; 
  • Additional amounts designed to compensate you for pain, suffering, scarring, and disfigurement; 
  • Exemplary damages, which punish the dog owner for particularly reckless and negligent behavior.  

Call 1-800-GO-HARRIS Today To Request A Consultation With Our San Miguel Dog Bite Attorneys  

Serious and potentially life-threatening dog bite injuries can happen due to the reckless and negligent actions of dog owners. At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, LLC., we help you get the compensation you need to cover medical expenses, lost income, and other losses you suffer as a result. To get our legal team on your side, reach out to our office today. Call 1-800-GO-HARRIS or contact our San Miguel dog bite attorneys online and request a free consultation.